Water4All Call 2024 on "Water for Circular Economy"
Looking for :
a project to join
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Rusteberg
Rusteberg Water Consulting (RWC Ltd.)
Integrated water resources management
+49 17684301336
a project to join
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Rusteberg (RWC Ltd.) is a water resources engineer, specialized in issues of IWRM implementation under water scarcity, adaptation to climate change and the development of expert systems for decision support using innovative information technologies. RWC has many years of international experience in the development of GIS-based online expert systems for IWRM implementation in BMBF- and EU-funded IWRM research projects in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and South America. These projects resulted in various (book) publications (De Bourgoing et al, 2022a,b; Lange at al., 2019, Walter et al., 2019, Rusteberg et al., 2018; Abels et al., 2018, Rahman et al., 2013). RWC has considerable international experience and worked with some 50 partners in Germany, Europe, the Middle East and Brazil since its foundation in 2014. In all projects, wastewater reuse was an important IWRM component. Prior to founding RWC, Dr. Rusteberg coordinated the EU research project GABARDINE (2005-2009), including the development of a GIS-based expert system for Managed Auifer planning at sites in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Israel and Palestine (Rusteberg et al., 2012). Dr. Rusteberg did his PhD. in 1998 on the management of irrigation sites at risk of salination in Northeast of Brazil. https://salam2.uni-goettingen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/SALAM_Brochure.pdf https://rustebergwaterconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/BRAMAR-Book-EN_compressed.pdf www.rustebergwaterconsulting.com
Topic 4. Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products
We are looking for a project that addresses the economic, environmental and social (acceptance) implications of wastewater reuse in irrigation agriculture, as well as, among other things, the assessment of the long-term impacts of wastewater reuse and, for regions with increasing water scarcity and droughts, developing strategies for climate change adaptation and improved climate resilience. Potential RWC contributions: Development of an innovative GIS-based online information and expert system as a tool for participatory and collaborative planning and decision-making related to wastewater management and reuse at the local and regional level. Benefits: Visualization and analysis of the spatial dimension of wastewater reuse, Use of modern operations research & AI methods for system analysis and optimization, modeling different climate and development scenarios to take into account corresponding planning uncertainties, intensifying stakeholder participation by directly involving different actors (farmers, water authorities, entrepreneurs, interest groups, etc.) in the planning and decision-making process, enables the resolution of conflicts of interest, improves the transparency of the decision-making process and thus the (social) acceptance of the results achieved, as well as the mitigation of the effects of extended periods of drought.
integrated water resources management, wastewater reuse, irrigation, decision support, gis, participate planning, expert system, online, artificial intelligence, system analysis