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Partner / project search entry
Call :    Water4All Call 2024 on "Water for Circular Economy"
Looking for :    a project to join
Professor Jordi Colomer
University of Girona
Department of Physics

a project to join
We are interested in joining a project dealing with WWTP technologies to reduce impacts on aquatic systems, specially rivers. We are interested in topics 2 and 4, on urban water circularity and the environmental water reuse. Our living projects are directed to nature base solutions towards minimising environmental impacts.
Topic 2. Urban water circularity
Topic 4. Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products
We agree actually working in a Life project dealing with new technology using zooplankton and biofilm to produce quality reuse water to less impact on river and crops.
water reuse, nature base solutions, circularity, pollutants

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