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Call :    Water4All Call 2024 on "Water for Circular Economy"
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Dr Mona Semsarilar
University of Montpellier
European Institute of Membrane (IEM)

a project to join
Development of hybrid functional membranes and adsorbents for the removal of pollutants from water and air.
Additionally, we are developing materials for harvesting valuable species from water, such as precious metals and fertilizers.
Our specialty lies in material science, with our core activity being the design and synthesis of copolymers, networks, gels, porous materials, and more.
Topic 1. Enhancement of water circularity in industries
Topic 2. Urban water circularity
Topic 3. Resource recovery and valorization
Can participate in projects that would need performant material for separation or recovery of species.
Water decontamination, gas separation, Ultra and nano filtration and adsorbents for radioactive material, pollutants such as PFAS, fertilizers, drugs, etc.
membrane, adsorbents, porous material, copolymer, metal and covalent organic frame works, nanoparticles, pfas, lithium recovery, filtration, separation

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