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Call :    Water4All Call 2024 on "Water for Circular Economy"
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Prof. Dr. Alper Elçi
Dokuz Eylul University
Environmental Engineering / Environmental Modeling & Hydroinformatics Lab

a project to join
Key expertise:
Our research team is multi-discplinary, and has demonstrated expertise in the development and application of local to regional-scale groundwater flow and contaminant transport models ((e.g. MODFLOW, MT3D), watershed models (e.g. SWAT), and water management models (e.g. WEAP, AQUATOOL), and multi-criteria decision making for water resources management. The Environmental Modeling & Hydroinformatics Lab has been involved in EU-funded and national-funded research projects. In a current project, we are dealing with the reuse of treated industrial wastewater as a mitigation measure in water-stressed Mediterranean regions, where we have been investigating through various mathematical models the impact of treated wastewater reuse as irrigation water or recharging groundwater resources under scenarios of a changing climate and increasing water demand.
Ongoing relevant project: TRUST - Management of industrial Treated wastewater ReUse as mitigation measures to water Scarcity in climaTe change context in two Mediterranean regions; project funded by the H2020 PRIMA Research Program.
Last relevant publication:
* Sadak et al. , "Allocation of unequally-weighted wastewater discharge loads using a simulation-optimization approach," JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY , vol.589, 2020
* ELÇİ, "Evaluation of nutrient retention in vegetated filter strips using the SWAT model," WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , vol.76, no.10, 2017
Topic 2. Urban water circularity
Topic 4. Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products
We seek a collaboration opportunity involving an in-depth analysis of the environmental implications of water reuse. We are interested also in developing sustainable solution in the context of urban water circularity. Particularly, projects that are developed to investigate solutions to enhance water resource efficiency, leveraging alternative water resources (such as wastewater), enhancing water allocation among different water-dependent sectors will be relevant for us.
environmental modeling, wastewater reuse, groundwater, remote sensing, water allocation optimization, hydrology, managed aquifer recharge, nature-based solutions, contaminant transport, water quality

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