My core competencies consist of my professional experience as project manager of R&D projects in the fields of ecologically oriented spatial planning and integrated water resource management. The administration of research budgets, communication within the project consortia as well as the preparation of research results in German and English are part of my work. I also check national and international funding programs for their usability and submit research proposals in cooperation with universities, research institutions and companies. The research projects I have acquired so far focus on research collaborations with Vietnamese, South African, Chinese and German stakeholders. Within the research projects, I analyze and visualize the impact of human activities on the environment. One focus of my work is the development of management concepts in spatial and resource planning, the design and development of GIS-based spatial decision support systems and the development of environmental models.
Topic 4. Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products
I am looking for projects related to integrated water resources management, environmental planning or environmental modeling.
integrated water resources management, environmental plannung, environmental modeling, geograohical information systemes, risk assessment, hydrological modeling, water quality assessment, landscape planning, rehabilitation, monitoring