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Call :    Water4All Call 2024 on "Water for Circular Economy"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Assoc.Prof.Dr Emre Alp
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Environmental Eng. Department.

a partner (for my project)
I am an expert on Water Policy, Watershed Management, Circular Water Economy, Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus. My ongoing project covers macro scale (watershed) evaluation of Circular WaterEconomy with multi-criteria (Environmental, social, economical, technical) decision-making method.
Topic 4. Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products
The project will involve comprehensive evaluation of Cicular Wate Eonomy Models at Macro and Meso Levels. The project will cover the following milestones

1- System Analysis ( all sectors within macro and meso)
2- Stakeholder Mapping and Social Network Analysis
3- Development of tools to evaluate Circular Economy Models
4- Development of Social, Economical, Technical and, Environmental criteria
5- Development and assessment of Circular Water Economy Models using multi-criteria decision support tool (conceptual and as an app)
6- Policy Implementations if Circular Water Economy Models at the Macro Level

We are looking for partners that can contribute one of the tasks explained above. Especially, the partners with Living Labs (urban and industries) proposals will have significant contributions to the project.
circular water economy, macro scale, living labs, multi-cirteria decision support tool, water policy, stakeholder engagement

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