Sustainable Blue Call 2024 on "Unified Paths to Climate-Neutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry"
Looking for :
a project to join
Dr. Eng. George Suciu
R&D Department
a project to join
BEIA is looking for partners to join with experience in IoT and blue economy from projects such as BLOW, WATER-M, MarTERA PIMEO-AI, SWAM, DISAVIT, MarTERA ADRIATIC, Blue-GreenWay, HYDRO3D, T4ME2, VITAL-5G, SOLID-B5G, FOR-FREIGHT, MarTERA iPREMAS, SmartSense, UFO ALMA, uBlueTec, ResPonSe, PASITHEA, etc. Also, BEIA has experience in aquauculture (frost warnings, disease alert for plants, evapo-transpiration calculations, measurement of accumulated degree days, aqua/hydroponics, urban farming), accurate water data (water sensors for hydrographical purposes, from precipitation to water level monitoring of lakes, rivers, wells, sea), efficient water management (leak and burst detection, pressure, flow, level and well monitoring), irrigation management (including sensors for measuring soil moisture, monitor water uptake),
PA1 - Digital Twins of the Oceans (DTO) at regional sub basin scale
PA2 - Blue economy sectors, development of marine multi-use infrastructures
PA3 - Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
PA4 - Blue Bioresources
BEIA has worked on previous MarTERA proposals such as: - SeaComp: Development of novel composite electromagnetic materials with salient features for application in marine equipment - INFIRM: InnovatioN For shIps' poweR systeMs - COSCOM: Coastal Ocean Sampling and CO2 Monitoring - SERAFIN: Simulation, EaRly wArning For marIne iNspection - HealthAUTONOM: Intelligent health monitoring and predictive maintenance of autonomous ships - AQUARIA: Improved model of AI Marine Waste Collection Vessel DORIS with software/hardware (drones), simulation tools and environmental research capacities - Wastemeter: Monitor and report wastewater disposal of vessels over the global standard NMEA2000 networks - AFSARBOS: Autonomous Fast Search and Rescue Boat System - SEAMS: SMART SHIP EMISSION INDICATION, ANALYSIS AND MONITORING SYSTEM - ATLANTIC: ArTificiaL intelligence based eArly warNing and IoT resCue systems - MARTSAMIS: Maritime Transportation Scheduling and Monitoring Information System - SHIP-SIS: Conceptual Development of Ship Structural Integrity System Using Numerical Simulations and Experimental Measurements - Autonomous Marine Vehicle: Cleaning of chemicals (petroleum, etc.) resulting from marine accidents by autonomous marine vehicles from the moment of the accident