Sustainable Blue Call 2024 on "Unified Paths to Climate-Neutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry"
Keywords: RAS aquaculture treatment system, blue energy generation
APRIA is an innovative engineering SME. We have experience in the design and construction of tailored pilots based of advanced tecnologies (mainly membranes, photochemical and electrochemical processes). Regarding blue economy, we have developed the EU project ELOXIRAS, based on an electrochemical process for the removal of pollutants in recircualting aquaculture systems. besides, based on reverse electrodialysis tecnology, we are curently executing the porject LIFE3E and LIFE INDESAL, taking advantage of the salinity gradiente of two water bodies (Outlet WWTP and seawater in one case, brine a and braskish water in the other) to generate electricity.
PA2 - Blue economy sectors, development of marine multi-use infrastructures
We are looking to join a project that may require an engineering company for the design and constrution of the pilot to be tested. We are used yto construct the system based on partners' premises, with the capacity to include advanced materiales fabricated by other project partners.