Sustainable Blue Call 2024 on "Unified Paths to Climate-Neutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry"
Urban resource management focused on wastes, led to volunteer and professional collaborations regarding estuary management. The community engagement has become more of a focus now. I have recently moved to the Azores and am excited to apply my skills in the island context.
PA1 - Digital Twins of the Oceans (DTO) at regional sub basin scale
PA2 - Blue economy sectors, development of marine multi-use infrastructures
PA3 - Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
PA4 - Blue Bioresources
Are you interested in how games, and play, can contribute to a climate-neutral, sustainable, and resilient blue economy? Then please get in touch!
The current rough outline for our proposed project is as follows: Workpackage 1: Technical data integration for digital twin of sea at regional sub basin, focusing on at least the Black Sea and the Atlantic Ocean surrounding the Azores (current project partners). This includes sourcing the data, designing the data infrastructure and building the data translators.
Workpackage 2: Consider ways to incorporate civic society in building a blue economy - the behavioural aspects. What do everyday people need? Things like digital public spheres, remote working changes, gig economy (and how to make it better for people but also for governance) Deliverables here will address 2. Blue economy sectors, development of marine multi-use infrastructures 3. Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
Workpackage 3: Game guidelines using the principles of play as a strategy to communicate and integrate complex interactions, be they economic, environmental - in one platform. Importantly, this is less likely to be a serious game (those are unfun) and more likely to be the tools and developing guidelines to integrate physical world assets into (commercial) game or virtual applications, focusing on interoperability. Have a game/platform prototype (this depends on budget) - Partners needed here!
interoperability, game, civic engagement, play, community, behaviour, data infrastructure