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Call :    Sustainable Blue Call 2024 on "Unified Paths to Climate-Neutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry"
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Dipl. Biol. Michael Schlachter
Fraunhofer IMTE
Aquaculture and Aquatic Ressources

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Fraunhofer IMTE focuses on developing sustainable and environmentally sound aquaculture, addressing issues in fish nutrition and husbandry, as well as fish health and welfare. We use conventional, integrated, or polytrophic aquaculture systems to produce aquatic organisms. Our facility's experimental husbandry systems, some of which are novel, enable diverse scientific investigations with high reproducibility and the production of aquatic organisms on a semi-industrial scale. The Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Department pursues sustainable approaches through the circular economy model, as well as integrated multitrophic or aquaponic aquaculture (IMTA, rearing of marine fish, mussels, and algae, rearing of fish and vegetables in fresh or brackish water). It combines these with developing new animal welfare standards, optimized feed, and adapted animal husbandry systems. New foods from aquatic resources and food technology processing methods are being developed in cooperation with our food technology division to observe and optimize the entire value chain.
PA4 - Blue Bioresources
We are looking to join a project dealing with aquaculture and/or aquatic resources. Our expertise lies in fish nutrition, aquatic animal husbandry, welfare, animal health, integrated aquaculture (aquaponics, IMTA), recirculating aquaculture systems, aquaculture technologies, and water treatment.
aquaculture, aquatic resources, ras, nutrition, fish feed, animal welfare, animal health, food technology, animal husbandry, aquaculture technology

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