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Partner / project search entry
Call :    Sustainable Blue Call 2023 on "The way forward: a thriving sustainable blue economy for a brighter future"
Looking for :    a project to join
Dr. Donata DrapanauskaitÄ—
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Institute of Agriculture, Agrobiology Laboratory

a project to join
I am interested in joining a project related to these topics: reuse and recycle of waste, organic amendments and their application, water, soil pollution. We have experience and all necessary equipment to perform analysis related to mentioned topics. Also, we have long experience conducting vegetation experiments. Don't hesitate to contact me for further information.
PA3 - Climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable and resource-efficient blue food and feed
I am interested in joining a project related to these topics: reuse and recycle of waste, organic amendments and their application, water, soil pollution. We have experience and all necessary equipment to perform analysis related to mentioned topics. Also, we have long experience conducting vegetation experiments. Don't hesitate to contact me for further information.
pollution, waste recycling

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