LAMMC Agrobiology laboratory proposes our expertise as a partner. We have a background in various external organic matter mainly composts and digestates applications on soil and their effect on soil chemical composition, microbial activity and plants productivity. We evaluate not only nutrients effect but also contamination (HM, POPs), ecotoxicity and usage risk of various organic amendments in nemoral climate zone both in the field trials and under control climate. One of the sea by-products algae course environmental contamination, bad smell etc. To reduce algae blooming contamination, ensure sustainable management of seas and safe blue food and feed organic biowaste (including sea resources such as algae) could be used for sustainable recovery of plants nutrients with application in agriculture. We could propose our experience in raw materials and obtain new products testing under natural and controlled climate conditions. Our background in testing various by-products (wastewater, bioash, composts, digestates etc.) application on the soil to enhance plants' productivity and soil fertility will allow us to make knowledge-based solutions. Moreover, we have experience in participation in various national and international (Horizon 2020, Interreg) projects. One of them is ending South Baltic Interreg project. In the link below you could find more detailed information about it. Please watch and enjoy.
PA1 - Planning and managing sea uses at the regional level
PA3 - Climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable and resource-efficient blue food and feed
Mainly we are interested in Baltic sea region and projects related to Baltic sea. Lithuania has ~91 km Baltic sea shore. Moreover, if our knowledge and experience could be useful for your proposal don't hesitate to contact me. We are interested in joining any project which is in line with our expertise.
baltic sea, lithuania, sustainable use of sea products