Marine models, eutrophication, water quality, MSFD, indicators, climate change, coastal and marine management
PA1 - Planning and managing sea uses at the regional level
PA2 - Development of offshore marine multi-use infrastructures to support the blue economy
PA3 - Climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable and resource-efficient blue food and feed
We can provide a strong background in ecosystem modelling covering short time scale up to Millena. All our model systems are adjusted to their specific demands and range from high resolutions models (200m resolution) up to several nm. The models are used for climate studies as well as policy support, e.g. to evaluate the impacts of implementing the zero pollution strategy. Further, we work on the potential of sea-based measure to improve the water quality locally, e.g. by macroalgae or mussel farms. Further, I have already worked (and would like to continue within the call) a lot in linking catchment and marine models, to be able to cover the full continuum from freshwater systems, coastal water and open sea areas. Although having a strong background in the Baltic Sea, we are open for collaborations with researchers from other seas and systems.
marine models, eutrophication, water quality, msfd, indicators, climate change, coastal and marine management, sea-based measure, ecosystem services, policy support
No conferences attendences are planed in the near-future. Please contact me directly and we can arrange to meet online.