I'm a PhD recently graduated from Ghent University (Belgium) for a project in the Galapagos which partnered with the Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral and the Charles Darwin Foundation (Ecuador). My research expertise includes fishery science, coastal ecology, ecosystem services, ecosystem-based management, decision science, knowledge co-production. I'm particularly interested in the sustainable use of the marine and coastal space with tools like MSP or ICZM, blue food sustainable production, and development of social innovations in coastal communities through nature-based solutions. I have work experience in marine research policy coordination and implementation and knowledge synthesis methods for science-to-policy at the EU level.
PA1 - Planning and managing sea uses at the regional level
PA3 - Climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable and resource-efficient blue food and feed
Projects related to: - Sustainable production of blue foods and feed - Balancing multiple uses of the ocean under sustainability objectives, including social justice - Knowledge co-production opportunities for coastal resilience