Sustainable Blue Call 2023 on "The way forward: a thriving sustainable blue economy for a brighter future"
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iLStudio Engineering & Consulting Studio S.r.l.
+39 0992017207
a project to join
iLStudio Engineering & Consulting Studio S.r.l. is an engineering and consulting company, born from the Studio of Eng. Luigi Severini, which has decades of experience in the industrial, civil, and environmental fields. The multidisciplinary team of engineers, biologists, architects, and designers offers expertise in many fields of engineering, such as Fluid Dynamics, Industrial and Environmental applications, Mechanics, Hydraulics, Bioengineering, and Energy, especially regarding Offshore wind farms, also floating, and photovoltaic systems, in the Mediterranean Sea (Italy). We also have experience with Italian and EU administrative and authorization processes.
PA2 - Development of offshore marine multi-use infrastructures to support the blue economy
The company has a proven experience with renewable technologies and design, especially in the field of offshore wind farm (also floating) and offshore photovoltaic systems. Therefore we would like to contribute to the development of innovative and smart solutions regarding the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change.
floating, floating technologies, monitoring structures and systems, technology of materials, innovative solutions for renewables, data anaysis, permitting, environmental management, environmental monitoring plans