BiodivERsA 2018-2019 Joint call: partner / project search entry

Search relates to : Action A (classic collaboration research projects)
Looking for : a project to join

Title : Ms. Dr.
Name : Mareike Ließ
Country : Germany
Institute name : Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department / section : Soil System Science
E-mail :
Telephone : 0049-345-5585401
Web address :

My expertise / skills : soil science
landscape-scale soil modelling
spatial pedodiversity
machine learning
statistical sampling theory
proximal sensing
I am working on :
Remote Sensing
Keywords : soil, pedometrics, modelling, machine learning, spatial soil variation, pedotransfer functions, proximal sensing, remote sensing, agriculture, natural ecosystems
Project description : Projects investigating the relation between spatial soil variation (physical, chemical) at agricultural field or landscape scale and biodiversity (soil biota/ microorganisms, plants) and/ or pests and pathogenes under agricultural management.
Networking opportunities : BonaRes (February 2019, Leipzig)
Pedometrics (April 2019, Guelph)

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