BiodivERsA 2018-2019 Joint call: partner / project search entry

Search relates to : Action A (classic collaboration research projects)
Looking for : a project to join

Title : Ms. Dr
Name : Agnieszka Nowak
Country : Poland
Institute name : Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University
E-mail :
Telephone : +48126646308
Web address :
Link to research gate
or equivalent :

My expertise / skills : My research interests are focused on ecosytem services provided by different types of land use and land use changes (
I am working on :
Landscape ecology
Physical Geography
Spatial planning and urban development
Keywords : land use, human well-being, biodiversity, landscape mosaic, perception, land abandonment
Project description : We’d like to establish a partnership for the research on the influence of the land use changes, especially changes in semi-natural land use type (i.e., meadows, pastures, orchads, agro-silvo-pastoral systems) as well as land mosaic, and consequently biodiversity, on human well-being (i.e., ecosystem services conditioning human well-being). We’re planning to apply for founding within the BiodivERsA project ( Within the frame of the project we’d like to work out a multidisciplinary approach. The project aims to compare the level of the biodiversity, character of the biodiversity loss, its drivers and effects on human well-being as well as perception of people towards these changes between regions. We’d like to put a special focus on the perception of land abandonment resulting in the loss of biodiversity, and consequently, on the relation between biodiversity and human well-being. Our project will concern landscape level.
Networking opportunities : 01-07 July 2019, 10th IALE World Congress, Milano, Italy

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