Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
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Director research program Mireille ZEPF
Biodiversity Impulsion Group

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
The Biodiversity Impulsion Group is an applied research and collective action program, bringing together project owners, major users, public and private contractors and biodiversity experts, with the aim of integrating biodiversity into the design and management of real estate projects in France. The program works on 3 main targets: INDICATORS FOR MEASURING BIODIVERSITY AND ITS CO-RELATED BENEFITS (To structure a biodiversity approach, and set objectives and a trajectory for an organisation, it is essential to know how to measure our impacts on biodiversity, but also the benefits that the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS) can bring, in terms of health, water management, climate regulation, and more), A WEB MAPPING PLATFORM (The indicators and benchmarks developed are directly integrated into an online tool, hosted on the Resilience for Real Estate (R4RE) platform of the Observatoire de l’Immobilier Durable), and PROMOTION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS (Faced with the complexity of life, many organisations often find themselves at a loss. How should they act? How can they ensure that an initiative has a virtuous effect? Thanks to the production of guides, the organisation of events, and the sharing of best practices, BIG helps organisations to better understand these issues).
Searching for a partner to develop a biodiversity indicator for European projects. The indicator will be used to measure biodiveristy risks in Real Estate projects taking into consideration the Biodiversity policies at the European level. the indcator should serve the implementation of the European Biodiversity Strategy.
biodiversity, policies, real estate, biodiversity strategy for 2030

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