Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr. Drini Imami
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Development Solutions Associates

I am looking for a project to join
some relevant research areas:
farmers awareness and attitude toward climate change including adaptation
agriculture and rural development policies
value chain governance
medicinal and aromatic plants value chain / market research

some recent relevant publications:
Madaki, M. Y., Bavorova, M., Zhllima, E., & Imami, D. (2024). Effect of climate risk adaptation on food security among farming households: The case of Nigeria. Climate Risk Management, 100600.
Stojcheska, A. M., Zhllima, E., Kotevska, A., & Imami, D. (2024). Western Balkans agriculture and rural development policy in the context of EU integration-The case of Albania and North Macedonia. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 100049.
Zhllima, E., Shahu, E., Skreli, E., & Imami, D. (2024) Factors associated with smallholder farmers’ financial
Skreli, E., Xhoxhi, O., Imami, D., & Rama, K. (2023). What explains collective action: The impact of social capital, incentive structures and economic benefits. Journal of International Development.
I am interested in partners from both EU and Western Balkans to collaborate in terms of resources.
Climate change and sustainable agriculture are in line with our research interest.
climate change, agriculture and rural development policies, medicinal and aromatic plants, ntfps

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