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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
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Contact details
Dr Camilla Bertolini
Ca' Foscari University

I am looking for a project to join
I am a marine ecologist specialised in benthic biodiversity and restoration of habitat forming species, in particular bivalves (mussels and oysters). My PhD was on restoration of subtidal Modiolus modiolus and intertidal Mytilus edulis reefs. Previous to that I worked with intertidal habitats and seaweeds as habitat formers, as well as impacts of ocean acidification. I then moved towards ecological principles in aquaculture, including effects of abiotic factors for growth, survival and using gaping as an index. I completed a Marie Curie postdoc (MAREA) on restorative aquaculture of Ostrea edulis. I also consulted for a saltmarsh restoration in the Venice Lagoon with an NGO taking part in the WATERLands project.
I am primarily a field ecologist but have worked also in laboratory contexts and mesocosms as well as learning some modelling tools (growth models, of both bivalves and halophytic plants, including assessments of associated carbon fluxes)
Conservation Biology
Marine Biology
Population Biology
I am interested in joining a marine// coastal restoration project
temperate reefs, marine restoration, coastal restoration, oyster reefs, bivalve beds, benthic biodiversity
EMBS in Naples - September 2024
British Ecological Society Annual meeting - December 2024

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