-Molecular approaches to taxonomy and ecology of microorganisms, with a focus on cyanobacteria -Microbial biodiversity and phylogeny, including use of (meta)genomics -Planktonic cyanobacteria forming toxic blooms in surface waters (lakes, ponds) and impacting public health -Biogeography of polar cyanobacteria (Antarctic, Arctic and alpine) -Genomic research on extremophilic cyanobacteria, and search for secondary metabolites (bioactive compounds like antibiotics, cosmetics, ...) - Importance of cyanobacteria in the search for life traces in fossil rocks, including the UV-screening pigments - Conservation of the Antarctic ecosystems and of the biodiversity of microbial terrestrial biotopes - Isolation, cultivation and cryopreservation of cyanobacteria maintained in a public culture collection (BCCM/ ULC) with a ISO9001 certification.
I am looking for a project joining the scientific, technological, economical and societal aspects for the protection and valuation of freshwater leisure areas (bathing sites in rivers or lakes, recreational areas,...) to better value the role of microorganisms and microalgae in the good health of the ecosystem, with a focus on cyanobacteria.
biodiversity, microorganisms, freshwater, polar, awareness raising, learning to know
- SCAR OSC (https://www.scar2024.org/), Pucon, Chile - collaborator at EWBC (https://ewbcsevilla2024.org/ewbc2024), Sevilla, Spain - collaborator at ISME (https://isme19.isme-microbes.org/), Cape Town, South Africa