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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
PhD Federico Camerin
Castilla y León
Universidad de Valladolid
Instituto Universitario de Urbanística

I am looking for a project to join
The field of expertise is related to spatial planning, which include governance, tools and design (also strategic), plus the implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda accoridng to the SDGs. Our main to create healthier environments for all, so also to safeguarding the 'right to the city'.

Recent publications:
- Rafael Córdoba Hernández, Federico Camerin (2024). The application of ecosystem assessments in land use planning: A case study for supporting decisions toward ecosystem protection. Futures Volume 161, August 2024, 103399
- Camerin F., Álvarez-Del-Valle L., Díez-Bermejo A., & Rodríguez-Suárez I. (2024). Towards the Spanish local urban agenda. The evolution of urban regeneration in Spain (2014-2022). TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 17(1), 51-70.
- Camerin, F., & Longato, D. (2024). Designing healthier cities to improve life quality: unveiling challenges and outcomes in two Spanish cases. Journal of Urban Design, 1–30.
- Camerin, F. (2023). Urban Governance in Post-pandemic Barcelona: A Superblock-Based New Normal?. In: Lissandrello, E., Sørensen, J., Olesen, K., Steffansen, R.N. (eds.), The ‘New Normal’ in Planning, Governance and Participation. The Urban Book Series. Springer, Cham.
Spatial planning and urban development
We are looking for a project to join to offer our expertise in terms of urban governance, spatial planning, and urban design for the implementation of urban agendas and proposal for halthier and more just urban and rural enviroments. Our work is based also on analyzing and proposing solutions with a wide range of concepts (e.g., 15-minute city, Superblocks). Our work is also focus on avoids negative outcomes from these transformations, such as green gentrification.
urban agenda, sustainable development, resilience, spatial planning, urban design, urban governance, healthy city, nature-based solutions, green gentrificaiton, post-pandemic territories

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