Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Science (ERCE PAS)

I am looking for a project to join
I have over 20-year experience in the field of:
- integrated water management in rural and urban areas, including design and implementation of NBS for biodiversity, climate adaptation and managing water challenges; expertise in water framework directive implementation and evaluation;
- ecosystem services, with particular focus on regulatory ones, I led the team working on methodology for national freshwater ES assessment, and in general implementation of the concept of natural capital into management;
- transformative science with focus on policy-science interplay for environmental security; ERCE leads two long-term socio-ecological platforms of LTER-Europe network, being living labs with established stakeholder networks;
- river ecology - river restoration and rehabilitation with particular scope on urbanscapes; fish indicatory species.
- analysis of an influence of social, cultural and economic factors on environmental quality and coevolution of socio-ecological systems;
- assessment of cities resilience with respect to environmental management systems, administrative structures, competencies and stakeholders interactions.
Biotechnology (excluding environmental, medical, agricultural and food)
Environmental Psychology
Landscape ecology
Urban Ecology
I am intersted in projects which can make use of my expertise listed, and also those using ecosystem service and natural capital concepts to influnce decision making processes in urban, rural, conservation areas; assessment of human attitudes towards biodiversity; insurance role of ecosystems; studies of factors and thresholds (ecological, social, economic, admnistrative) driving changes in biodiversity, landscape structure / ecology, status of freshwater systems; values of nature; urban agriculture; I am also happy to work across disciplines, including engineering, social sciences and economy.
biodiversity, ecosystem services, nature-based solutions, water, environmental governance, policies, social sciences and behaviour analyses, financial schemes, compensatory measures

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