Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Master of Science Andrea Reuter
Global Nature Fund
Business and Biodiversity

I am looking for a project to join
Global Nature Fund has 15 years of experience in supporting companies with biodiversity assessments and biodiversity strategies, recommendations on sustainable-ecological sourcing, agriculture and biodiversity, initial advice on biodiversity-friendly company premises and trainings for employees and suppliers. At the moment, we work mostly with companies from the finance, food and textile sector on biodiversity issues such as biodiversity KPIs, biodiversity strategy and reporting. GNF has in-depth knowledge of the practical application and challenges of biodiversity management and insight into various industries. In addition, GNF has a large network of companies and associations, standard organizations and financial institutions.
So, if your project needs a partner with in depth-knowledge of the private sector and good contacts, GNF might be a good partner.
Conservation Biology
Crop Production
Landscape ecology
We would like to join projects that works on the identifiction of incentives for private businesses and finance to invest in biodiversity and ecosystem services. Furthermore, we are interested in defining ways to overcome barriers and transform economic sectors for delivering on biodiversity. Therefore, further research and support in the implementation of biodiversity transition plans are of interest. We also like to further discuss the climate-nature nexus and ways to combine climate and nature transition plans.
Additionally, we are supporting businesses in the implementation of international policies and national biodiversity strategies and would like to support projects with our expertise from the practical work with businesses.
private sector, business, agriculture, supply chain, value chain, transition plans, food, textiles, finance

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