Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
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Dr Satya Prakash Mehra

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
Dr. Satya Prakash Mehra is a trained Environmental cum Development Professional with an experience of over 23 years in the field of conservation of natural resources (water and biodiversity) and sustainable development through community mobilization. Achieving academic degrees in Environmental Sciences/ Biology/ Law (Env Bio - BSc, Env Sc - MSc, PhD; Law - LLB, LLM - Human Rights/ Environmental Rights), he is involved in action-oriented conservation research and advocacy in association with the Governmental Organizations/ Non-Governmental Organizations/ Academia/ Consultancy Firms. He contributed his research works over 150 in the form of scientific and popular articles in various journals/ periodicals/ newsletters/ magazines/ newspapers/ blogs.
His honorary associations with the NGOs like Green World Foundation (GWF, Rajasthan) & Rajputana Society of Natural History (RSNH, Rajasthan) as an Advisor and Global Forum for Sustainable Rural Development as an International Head (Partnership & Collaboration) (GFSRD) allowed him to mobilize grass-level workers and stakeholders to contribute on the principle, “Conservation Practices for Sustainable Livelihood”. He developed site-specific globally applicable Socio-Ecological Economic Models of the Enviropreneurship programs, through revival, development, and protection of the natural habitats using Indigenous and customary approaches.
Conservation Biology
Forestry and forest sciences
Landscape ecology
Urban Ecology
Partner: Ecorestoration of the degraded ecosystem or revival of the vegetation and/or habitats through naturescaping of the human-habited and non-habited drylands (semi-arid/ arid/ hyper-arid). Presently focused on the Aravalli Hills of Rajasthan, India. Looking for the potential partner which can sponsor and financially support the project that links the Research & Development through action-oriented program focused on development of green and blue cover using Indigenous and customary approaches.

Also looking for projects that requires the experts in the field of site-specific interventions related to the above themes and are willing to replicate or scale up globally applicable site-specific interventions for socio-ecological-economic development.
conservation, indigenous, customary, natural resources, sustainable development

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