We are an environmental physics group interested in the transport of pollutants (specially microplastics) and sediment particles in rivers and wetlands. We study the transport of particles related to different transport mechanisms (waves, currents, turbidity currents, turbulence). We pay special attention to the water quality and the impact on the environment. We also study the effect of vegetation on the hydrodynamics and the sediment transport and microplasctic retention. We also analyse the sedimentation patterns in such ecosystems and the change in bed morphology.
Civil engineering and urban infrastructure (construction and transport)
Physics of Fluids
We would like to join a project aiming to find nature based solutions to preserve aquatic ecosystems: Lakes, and specially rivers and wetlands. Pollution (in particular microplastic pollution) and its impacts on such ecosystems are of interest. The transport of particles (microplastics for example) related to sediment particles and their interaction can bring knowledge on the ecological impact.