Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Research Associate Ilkay Unay-Gailhard
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Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)

I am looking for a project to join
Rural sociology, Agricultural Economics, Digital sociology, Agri-environmental policy analyses
Expertise in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Partner for the EU projects (e.g., Horizon, COST) and Principal Investigator for the EU (e.g., Marie Curie) and National level projects (e.g., DAAD, and DFG)
Expertise in qualitative (e.g., biographical narrative approach, coding approaches for qualitative research) and quantitative (e.g., econometric models, and network analyses) methods
Looking for a project to contribute to by conducting socio-economic analyses on the following main themes:
i) the relationships between biodiversity and human behavior;
ii) economic relationships with natural resources, particularly in the agriculture and food sectors;
iii) the consequences of demographic change in rural regions and islands; urban-rural interaction; youth studies.
iv) integrative analysis of societal aspects' role (e.g., attitudes, economic, cultural, and gender aspects) in addressing biodiversity losses;
v) dissemination of results through art and science projects.
social sciences, behavior analyses, agri-environmental policy analyses, rural sociology, island studies, youth studies, gender, science communication
European Forum on Urban Agriculture (EFUA), “ACTION” Conference - 25-26 Sept 2024 in Brussels

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