Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
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Contact details
MSc (ecology) Michael Hošek
Czech Republic
DHP Conservation Ltd.

I am looking for a project to join
DHP Conservation has been working for more than ten years in biodiversity conservation at national and European level. It specifically deals with the following topics:

1) Fieldwork: planning and implementation of conservation measures including compensatory measures, impact assessment.

2) Research activities: the DHP is or has been involved in research projects - in the past e.g. delineation of stream floodplains including conservation proposals, currently responsible for updating the national methodology for Natura 2000 impact assessment (so-called Appropriate Assessment), and others.

3) Strategic activities: we participate in the development of national concepts and policies, including the development of innovative tools not only in the field of nature conservation, but also in relation to landscape and spatial planning.
Conservation Biology
We offer our expertise in practical biodiversity conservation as well as innovative tools to achieve the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, the newly approved EU Nature Restoration Law, including a general contribution to achieving carbon neutrality through nature based solutions / restoration activities.
We foresee that such instruments could include the development and implementation of biodiversity credits and carbon offset schemes not only at national but also at regional levels or directly at EU level. We are ready to contribute our experience in this respect.
Our expertise (at the national as well as the EU level):
1) Orientation in the field nature conservation;
2) Good knowledge of global and the EU policies in biodiversity conservation (and participation at their transposition and implementation in Czechia);
3) long-term applied research activities;
4) Active development or participation on development of innovative tools in biodiversity conservation incl. stakeholders engagement;
5) Last, but not least - deep experience with capacity building projects in the EU candidate and the EU associated countries with a specific focus on the Natura 2000 transposition and implementation and development of management plans and design of measures in protected areas.
carbon, biodiversity, credits, offsets, innovative financing tools, financial schemes, compensatory measures, ecosystem services, impact assessment, ecological connectivity
We are reachable via email or online calls to discuss details.

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