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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Associate Professor Daniel Orenstein
Technion - Israel Institute of Techology
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning

I am looking for a project to join
Keywords: Social Ecology, Sustainability Transitions, Cultural Ecosystem Services, Environmental Policy

Short Bio: I hold degrees in Environmental Biology and Management (BSc, UC Davis), Ecology (MSc, Ben Gurion University), and Environmental Studies (PhD, Brown University). I am a social ecologist focusing on cultural ecosystem services, environmental policy, and social ecology, with a special interest in urban greenspace and human-nature interactions. I have worked closely over the past decade in building the research and observatory infrastructure of the European Long-Term Ecosystem Research (eLTER) Network. I teach environmental policy, ecology in planning, and climate change science and policy. I am driven by a commitment to advancing transdisciplinary science and working with diverse knowledge holders, in and out of academia.

Most recent grants:
“Assessing Change in Human-Nature Interactions in Cities in the Anthropocene”. (Israel Science Foundation)
“eLTER Preparatory Phase Project.” (2020 – 2025, EU Horizon 2020).
“European long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological systems research infrastructure – PLUS.” (EU Horizon 2020)

Relevant articles:
"What does nature feel like? Using embodied walking interviews to discover local and general cultural ecosystem services." Ecosystem Services. 101425. 2022.
"Organizational transformation for greater sustainability impact: recent changes in a scientific research infrastructure in Europe." Landscape Ecology. 2023
Conservation Biology
Environmental Psychology
Sociology of the Environment
Spatial planning and urban development
I would like to join a project that emphasizes human-nature interactions and the need to integrate a variety of stakeholder communities into the project. I prefer to work in the urban setting, but also in nature reserves, forests, and agricultural areas.
social ecology, sustainability transitions, cultural ecosystem services, environmental policy
eLTER Science Conference - Helsinki, June 2025
European Landscape Ecology Conference - Bratislava, September 2025

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