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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
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Dr Emilio Rodriguez Caballero
University of Almeria

I am looking for a project to join
Dr Rodriguez Caballero is a Ramon y Cajal researcher at the Agronomy department at the UAL. His research is focused on the role of biocrust on key processes governing drylands functioning, their interaction with other surface components, and the influence of global change on them. To advance in this knowledge gap, he combines field studies with modelling and remote sensing techniques to address it at different spatio-temporal scales. As a result, his investigation deals not only local biocrust´s effects on soil stability or water and nutrient cycles, but also the importance of water and nutrient redistribution from biocrusts to vegetation, having a complete and multi‐disciplinary picture of drylands functioning. Some of the main achievements and results obtained during his research carrier are 73 papers published in scientific journals, 66 of them in journal within the JCR index; h-index: 30; IP of two national projects and participation in regional (3) national (8), cooperation projects (1) and in international networks (3). During the elaboration of this scientific production, I have been involved from the experimental and fieldwork to the data mining, analysis and writing. Other leadership initiatives that I have been involved in are related to teaching activities and the supervision of PhD, bachelor and Master thesis.
Conservation Biology
Flow of energy and matter
Forestry and forest sciences
Landscape ecology
Physical Geography
Remote Sensing
I am generally interested in proyect aimed at advance in the udnertanding of dryalnds fucntioning, restoration and conservation
biological soil crusts, dryalnds, ecohydrology, remote sensing, dust emissions, runoff
EGU 2025

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