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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2024-2025 on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform)"
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Contact details
Doctor Marion Liberloo

I am looking for a project to join
HAEDES is a young company (January 2020) with vast experience. Its founders and the senior collaborators have more than 25 years of experience, supported by a young and diverse team. HAEDES works for public authorities and private clients in 4 markets with a focus on bio-diversity enhancement in our engineering & consultancy :
1. climate resilience and sustainable water systems,
2. ocean and offshore renewable energy
3. ports and river logistics
4. blue growth

key ecological expertises:
Ecological engineering
Nature Based Solutions B
Ecosystem Services Assessment L
Ecological enhancement of marine and coastal structures B
Regenerative thinking L
System approach B
Marine spatial planning
Aquaculture L
Marine Biology

Project examples:
PRR – Vertical bivalves (
Cassandra (

Publication on regenerative development
Civil engineering and urban infrastructure (construction and transport)
Conservation Biology
Environmental Psychology
Landscape ecology
Marine Biology
Ocean engineering
Other Biological Sciences
Physics of Fluids
Remote Sensing
Spatial planning and urban development
Nature-Based Solutions: design solutions for coastal environments to harness natural ecosystems for protection and biodiversity-AQUABREAK, using seaweed aquaculture for coastal resilience and decarbonization;SeaGrassRiaWilld, involving seagrass reforestation stabilizing sediment-reducing dredging
Ecological Enhancement: add ecological features to marine and coastal structures to improve habitat conditions for local organisms and support biodiversity
System Approach: holistic thinking to connect causes and consequences-promoting environmental sustainability and balanced habitats
Ecology:advise on regenerative design and habitat restoration by integrating ecosystem elements to boost biodiversity
Marine Spatial Planning: engineering solutions for data analysis, sustainable coastal development, habitat restoration, and environmental monitoring to ensure sustainable marine development
Marine Biology: engineering solutions to enhance marine biodiversity, such as blue carbon habitats, artificial reefs, and living coastlines
Ecosystem Services Assessment (ESA): assess and value ecosystem services in aquatic systems, supporting projects that highlight biodiversity's role in human well-being and conservation
Aquaculture: leverage aquaculture's potential to reduce pressure on wild stocks and enhance biodiversity through cultured species and rearing systems
Regenerative Development: apply holistic principles, addressing the interconnectedness of nature, society, and planetary boundaries
ecological engineering, nature based solutions, ecosystem services assessment, ecological enhancement of marine and coastal structures, regenerative thinking, system approach, marine spatial planning, aquaculture, ecology, marine biology

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