Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for a Contact Country Description
project Assistant Professor Gebremedhin Ethiopia I need to assess the diversity (at Molecular and aggro-morphological), and the nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of common crops (cereal e.g. barley and vegetables especially indigenous once) for food security nutrition & climate resilience. Therefore, I would like to join experts of b...
project dr. Bagnara Italy project related to: - biodiversity of soils - economic evaluation of biodiversity - agri-food value-chain
project Associate Professor Rennie New Zealand I am looking for a project that needs expertise in regulatory planning and policy related to managing rights and relationships in response to addressing climate change (including sea level rise), biodiversity loss and the maintenance of natural character and processes. I can bring extensive in-de...
project Prof. Carta Italy Climate-smart ecological restoration activities. Seed based solution supporting sustainable development model. Phylogenetic diversity and plant benefits to humans.
project Doctor of Sciences Trevisan Brazil I am looking for opportunities to develop studies about thems: Nutrient cycling Coastal zones Nitrogen Phosphorus Eutrophication Diffusive fluxes Experiments of benthic fluxes Phytoplankton Ecotoxicology of phytoplankton Environment management Modeling
project MSC Matar Netherlands We are looking for projects interested in measuring soil biodiversity and/or plant parasitic nematodes
project Ph.D Rosas Brazil Collaborate on projects focused on the research and development of pharmaceuticals, medicines and vaccines.
project PhD in Economics Lytovchenko Ukraine We are looking for projects to join that aim to conserve biodiversity and accelerate soil fertility restoration through innovative biotechnology, microbiological and natural based solutions.
project Research Associate, Aquatic Biod Moke... Kenya Policy and governance in the Aquatic biodiversity conservation Alignment and domestication of national policies to global instruments Optimizing conservation of coastal and marine resources
project Advisor Gómez Spain Looking towards future collaborations, our institution is very interested in participating in international projects aligned with our core areas. I believe we can explore potential opportunities for collaboration. Our work areas include applied innovation, high-specialization training for vocat...
project Assistant Professor Yancheva Bulgaria A project on environmental pollution and its negative effects of biodiversity loss and human health, possibly concerning the Danube River or the Black Sea.
project DR Terrat France After a PhD thesis in 2010 at Blaise Pascal University (Clermont II) in Soil Microbial Ecology and post-doctoral position in bioinformatics, I integrated UMR 1347 Agroecologie in 2014, and more particularly the BIOCOM team (Spatial distribution, dynamics and functional significance of the biodive...
project Lecturer Gamayida Ethiopia The diversity, relative abundance and distribution of wildlife, insects, reptiles and bird species in Borena national park and the main advantages of establishment of the national park towards pastoral community of Borena., southern Ethiopia. This thematic project will be benefited the pastoral c...
project Dr. Rößler Germany We are interested in joining a project where we can access new applications for cryospheric products and provide solutions. Especially the change of snow coverage has a major impact on the biodiversity, here we like to provide our knowledge for a joint project.
project Dr. in GIS Engineering Mavridis Greece -We support forntenf and backend software development on several topics related with agriculture, energy, bioeconomy, waste management, disease modeling, geospatial modeling, DSS, sustainability, autonomous systems, 3D creation animation -We support R&D and dissemination activities -We support Li...
project Dr. Harciuc Moldova We are actively looking for participation in any project in which we can contribute accordingly to our skills and expertise (1. Water use efficiency and crop water productivity of soybean varieties (from leaf to cenosis). 2. Gas (CO2, H2O) exchange and water use efficiency of soybean upon elevate...
project Project Planner Parmelo Tanzania (United Republic of) Finding innovative ways to support the environment, the soil and local ecosystems so that they may become more productive and, in turn, enhance the social and economic well-being of local communities
project Doctor Violette Belgium Peptide Biodiversity: Advancing Human Health Through Nature's Pharmacological Treasures - BIODIVERSITY2DRUGS
project Engineer Golovkina Portugal Our natural method, which uses only sunlight, allows the cultivation of microalgae anywhere and at any depth in the oceans and seas and, as a result, sequesters CO2, produces O2, increases pH, and increases biodiversity. The method is used to restore coral reefs, including artificial agglomeratio...
project Prof. Lo Brutto Italy Climate change Impacts on endemic marine habitat in MEDiterranean island Ecosystems: Understanding & Mitigation strategies
project Vijaya Raghavan Raghavan Canada Agricultural Technology
project Dr Sanchez-Canete Spain I'm looking for a project focus on mitigate loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functions at alpine zones under global change.
project Professor BOLZANI Brazil The main focus of CIBFar Long Project is to perform basic and applied science and to develop advanced analytical technologies to study secondary metabolites from Brazilian biodiversity aimed at potential drug discovery. Also, the state-of-the-art methods in medicinal chemistry is be developed f...
project Phd in Environment & marine fish LAGH... Morocco As a physical chemistry and marine environment research team, I am interested in joining a project linked to our research axes: preservation of the marine environment, evaluation and monitoring of pollution in aquatic ecosystems, environmental monitoring and quality of waters and/or detection too...
project Prof.Dr. BASKENT Turkey Looking for a project to join. Multiple use forest management planning Ecosystem services Participatory planning Biodiversity conservation integrated forest planning
project Associate professor Baciu Moldova I am looking for the project to join which is focused on achieving the goal for creating and maintaining the Human Workforce by optimizing the living and workplace environment/ The first aspect is for interest “Harmonization of the life of the human community with the environment”, reorganiza...
project PhD Marx Portugal Research Domains: Natural Bioactives Circular Economy Nutrition & Wellbeing Formulation Strategies & Nanosolutions Models & Molecular Mechanisms
project PhD Feitosa Brazil I would like to integrate into projects that work on the water-energy-food nexus approach
project Phd in Environment and marine fi LAGH... Morocco En tant que groupe de recherche chimie physique et environnement marin, je suis intéressés à rejoindre un projet en lien avec nos axes de recherche : préservation de l’environnement marin, évaluation et suivi de la pollution dans les écosystèmes aquatiques, surveillance environnementale ...
project Dr Bares Spain I would like to join a project about innovation in health
project PhD Rithaa Kenya Nature based solutions, circular economy and National determined contribution..
project research professor Boincean Moldova I am looking for a project to join on biodiversity.We intend to make a transition to a more sustainable agriculture,including to organic agriculture.
project Dr. Michalska-Kacymirow Poland We are keenly interested in joining a project, which is in search of a partner specializing in analytical chemistry. With our expertise, we can analyze samples of various types, evaluating them for their elemental composition, organic compounds, and contaminants (heavy metals, pesticides, micropl...
project Mr. Adugna Ethiopia Phylogeography projects working on megafauna of East Africa
project PhD Radoviča-Spalviņa Latvia clinical testing
project PhD Candidate Poyraz Hungary I'd like to be involved in a project in which I can utilize my knowledge and experience from various fields. I'm eager to expand my knowledge in line with the objectives and needs of the project. Concerning project topics, I'd be glad to be involved in a project that aims to one or more than one...
project Dr petanidis Greece Papanikolaou Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Greece and our R&D projects focus on developing and implementing scientific strategies for immunotherapy/nanotherapy approaches on cancer patients. We are looking for european partnerships and proposals.Our research focus is investigation ...
project PhD Montoto Spain From PLOCAN we are interested in continuing research on the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems and how to mitigate them. We are also interested in continuing to work on projects that address marine pollution and its effects on biodiversity. In addition, PLOCAN could collaborate wi...
project Dr Kim Sweden I am a contributing author to SIPRI's flagship report "Environment of Peace", which deals with the issues of ecological security such as climate and biodiversity crises as an encompassing threat to human security. I would like to contribute to a project that share a similar perspective in linkin...
project PhD Feyissa Ethiopia I am an agroecologist and am seeking a project with an emphasis on the following areas: nature-based solutions; anthropogenic climate change adaptation and mitigation techniques; landscape degradation and restoration; integrated landscape management; regenerative agriculture; and agrobiodiversity...
project Dr. Oskay Turkey Scientific projects related to honey bees are in my area of interest.
project Dr Rosinah South Africa A project that focuses at least on the following concepts: Stakeholder Engagement/ community/ public health Indigenous Knowledge Systems- Spirituality Environmental Health Higher Education
project Dr. Oskay Turkey Honey bees behavior, pests, and diseases, lab. cage study, model organism
project Innovation Researcher DINIS France Our company is proposing innovative mobile Live streaming solutions for audio-visual monitoring of terrestrial and subaquatic environments. We are looking to join project that could benefit from our technology to share in real-time field explorations through internet.
project dr. cimen bulut Turkey .
project Dr. Žemaitis Lithuania I see an opportunity to join the consortium linked to forest management, increased resilience, adaptation, and mitigation to environmental challenges. This may include: i) Forest management practices that support mitigation and adaptation to wind-inflicted damages; ii) sustainability impacts asse...
project ECONOMICS del Álamo Morales Spain I am looking for projects in which I can contribute in relation to the improvement of eutrophication of land and water.
project Professor and Head of research l TRIG... Tunisia environmental science, climate change mitigation, Biological control of plants of agricultural importance under biotic and abiotic stress conditions Geographic information system GIS. Bio-waste composting, economic potential of organic waste circular economy. Bioressources valorisation
project PhD Stefan Romania We would like to join projects in the field of biowaste valorization and development of new added products for human health and wellbeing through a circular economy approach.
project NGO Nebunu Moldova Agriculture, Forestry and forest sciences, Energy and Fuels, Conservation Biology, Landscape ecology, Marine Biology.
project Researcher RTDb Canonico Italy Environmental monitoring and quality of NBS through the use of terrestrial Isopods as bioindicators, assessment of ecosystem services, and identification of rich/poor areas of ecological functionality.
project Prof. Dr. Öztürk Turkey I would to join a project that will focus on the anthropogenic impacts on environmental ecosystem, biodiversity and public health
project Dr. Arcangeli Italy Use of cetaceans as indicators of ecosystem functioning
project Dr Mandishona South Africa I am looking for a project which focus on sustainability and biodiversity conservation with focus on wetlands
project Bachelor of science in wildlife Mali... Tanzania All population monitoring projects concerning bats and birds.
project Dr. Grassini Norway Psychological factors related to perceived biodiversity
project Dr. Marcu Romania Looking for projects in the same area of research as the projects I have participated in related to climate change analysis on crop yields, telemetry system design and implementation for various use-cases in agriculture (e.g., different crops).
project Master's Degree Arslan Turkey We are actively working on the protection and sustainability of socio-economic balance, ecological balance, and biological diversity in Samsun Kızılırmak Delta and Bird Sanctuary. Of the 24 endangered bird species in the world, 15 have been identified in the delta. The shelter of 100,000 water...
project Ms. Beltri Spain We would be interested in joining a project related to marine renewables, shipping and environmental sustainability. We would also be interested in joining a project related to marine biology and climate sciencies.
project Dr. Kocer Turkey We are open to a wide range of projects in various fields such as aquaculture, fish health, environmental microbiology, ecological and hydrological studies. Please feel free to reach out to us with potential opportunities. We are excited to contribute our knowledge and resources to support your i...
project Dr. Zhao Norway I would like to join a project that investigate greenhouse gas emissions from different ecosystems, particularly including contributions from plants. I am running a cultivated peatland site in Norway with ongoing GHG observations, that can serve as a demonstration site contributing to modelling o...
project PhD Wilkerson Norway I'm interested in joining a project that takes an explicitly systems perspective to nature-based solutions. I can contribute with systems methods to identify synergies, tradeoffs, and leverage points and, more generally, to engage with stakeholders to co-create a shared understanding of complex N...
project Dr Cleary Portugal Willing to join a range of projects from terrestrial to marine, and projects pertaining to aquaculture, conservation, ecology, and the sustainable use of resources.
project Dr Vu Germany I am looking for a project that involves using sensors or sensor networks, as well as remote sensing, to monitor environmental factors.
project Associate Professor Rovai Italy I am interested in projects that develop methodologies for evaluating the effects of NBS on the quality of life and well-being of citizens in urban areas but also in other territorial areas. Another area of interest is the evaluation of the value of ecosystem services produced by rural and mounta...
project Associate Professor Rovai Italy I am interested in projects that develop methodologies for evaluating the effects of NBS on the quality of life and well-being of citizens in urban areas but also in other territorial areas. Another area of interest is the evaluation of the value of ecosystem services produced by rural and mounta...
project Biochemical Engineer AERTS Belgium We look for projects who need "something" that "captures" nature based solutions and humans: you can take a picture of our Medical Spa buildings-some are Industrial Era 1815 beautiful historic buildings, other are in the middle of nowhere - very nature based, or of our patients doing guided ergot...
project Dr. McCrory Norway I am thematically open, but searching for a project that is case-based, has deep interdisciplinarity/transdisciplinarity at its centre, that links nature based solutions with deep levers for change and deep sources of unsustainability. My research interests can contribute with a grounded learning...
project Dr. (Assistant Professor) Ikoyi Ireland I am looking for a project that is working on Thematic B looking at exploiting environmental microbiomes for sustainable crop production and climate change mitigations. I am also interested in plant-microbe interactions in the role of soil organisms (particularly nematodes) as bioindicators of so...
project Professor MHamdi Tunisia The use of genetics to restore ecosystems and biodiversity/fisheries Methods for meta-omics Transcriptomics and genomics Metagenomics Metabarcoding Tools for genotyping
project Assistant professor Arraouadi Tunisia Climate change endangers global food security due to water shortages and soil salinity, spurring international efforts to protect food availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability. We are dedicated to enhancing cereal production sustainability and rehabilitating marginal lands through ...
project Dr. Teles Netherlands We are open to projects assessing the potential of microorganisms (especially microalgae) as a source of biomass and raw materials (from cellular biology, to scale up, and biomass composition). Also, we are interested in assessing the biorefinery potential of different and novel biomasses.
project Dr. Nicolae Romania Our passion lies in contributing to projects that mirror our dedication to the coexistence of humanity and nature, which we consider a fundamental element of sustainable development. We are actively seeking projects that focus on biodiversity conservation, where we can contribute our expertise in...
project Dr. EGOZI Israel Looking to join a project that is planned in the following landscape units estuary, streams, and wetland restoration i.e., in an agriculture catchment. I bring expertise in hydrogeomorpolgy with extensive fieldwork, modeling, and spatial analysis.
project Dr. Nicolae Romania Our passion lies in contributing to projects that mirror our dedication to the coexistence of humanity and nature, which we consider a fundamental element of sustainable development. We are actively seeking projects that focus on biodiversity conservation, where we can contribute our expertise in...
project Dr. Nicolae Romania An ideal project to join would be one that aligns with our specific areas of interest, which revolve around biodiversity, conservation, impact assessment, ecology, ecosystem services, nature-based solutions, habitat mapping, water quality, and their correlation with human factors and climate chan...
project MSc Adamovic Serbia CirEkon team is eager to join projects that are systemic in nature and that require: 1. Circular economy systemic deep expertise 2. Systems analysis and systems modelling 3. Stakeholder management for ecosystem building 4. Strategy and Business modelling and client / beneficiaries management 5. E...
project PhD Cacheiro Switzerland I am looking for a project that takes a cross-disciplinary approach to biodiversity.
project Associate Professor Carini Italy Theme 1 and Theme 2
project Prof. Zagajewski Poland We are interested in all projects oriented on vegetation mapping using remote sensing (airborne, satellite), biodiversity, invasive and expansive plant species monitoring, mountain plant mapping based on remote sensing tools.
project Biomedical Engineer BULUT Turkey In order to contribute to the EU's mission of 'Saving Our Oceans and Waters' with the goal of a sustainable world, adopting priority R&D issues within the scope of compliance with the EU Green Deal, determining the effects of the destruction caused by climate change, environmental waste on aquati...
project Dr Shaik South Africa I would like to join projects that apply plant tissue culture techniques in food crop production and plant conservation.
project PhD Pitacco Slovenia We’re interested in joining projects for the call “BiodivNBS, THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss”. We are searching proposals dealing with the marine environment, with a particular focused on brown forest and seagrasses restoration, Pinna n...
project Professor Akın Türkiye I am interested in joning project of fish ecology, particulary both population ecology and communşty ecology. Food webs are the main subject of my studies but species intrecation with envirionmental factors, ecosytesm health.
project Postdoctoral research fellow Klarmann South Africa I am looking to join several projects related to 1) co-existence of people and wildlife (including human-wildlife conflict), 2) recording indigenous knowledge systems, and 3) designing, implementing, and evaluating environmental outreaches and initiatives
project Dr. Mantıkcı Turkey I would like to be involved in projects to understand and prevent marine eutrophication and its affects. I am interested in studying how plankton (phytoplankton, bacteria etc.) metabolism plays a role and is affected by broad issues such as the carbon cycle, the biological pump and climate change...
project Dr Broszeit United Kingdom A coastal/marine project linking ecology, nature-based solutions with ecosystem services.
project Ms Pérez Spain Our role involves advising and supporting project promoters in applying the Standard to design Nature-Based Solutions (SbN) as part of project proposals. We also assist in liaising with the IUCN for validating the designs according to the Standard. We use practical tools and resources, such as th...
project Dr Garrard United Kingdom Looking for a marine/ coastal project
project Dr biol. Mežaka Latvia I am interested to join a project that is focused on biodiversity research, in different ecosystems, where is some focus of plant ecology aspect in both; natural and urban environments.
project Dr McCulloch-Jones South Africa I am looking to join a project that broadly relates to freshwater security and human well-being.
project Associate Professor Incelli Italy Science communication Eco-discourse analysis Ecology Energy transitions How companies communicate their intentions
project LICENCIADO EN SOCIOLOGIA Y CIENC FIGU... Spain Nos gustaria contar con socios o sumarnos a proyectos que conciban la gestión itnegrada de los sistemas agrosilvícolas, como sistemas de gestión concertada público privada, orientadas a la protección de la biodiversidad y de las poblaciones, rfesilientes ante las catástrofes climáticas y d...
project Doç. Dr. KUTLU Turkey The project was looking for partners. To achieve development through collaborative work together.
project PhD in Rural Development and Ext Dias Brazil Biodeversity projects, dealing with resilience and climate change, food security and sovereignty. Culture and agriculture of traditional peoples and communities and related themes.
project Researcher Manenti Italy Conservation of wetlands, streams, ponds; nature based solutions involving freshwater crayfish management, amphibians conservation, springs management
project Entrepreneur Rapaccini Italy We are looking to join two types of projects: a) Projects that are looking to test innovative agro-forestry and pollination practices on specific rural lands. Thanks to our numerous partnerships across Italy we can provide access to a number of sites that would act as test cases for the monitorin...
project Prof. Lemes Italy We seek to join a project with interest in nature-positive approaches for urban and peri-urban areas
project Associate Professor Baruah Sweden Fish populations are vital components of aquatic ecosystems and play a significant role in maintaining ecological balance. However, various factors such as habitat destruction, pollution, overfishing, and climate change have led to a decline in fish diversity and population sizes. Restoring and e...
project Masters in Environmental science SHAB... Rwanda Ecological Restoration Biodiversity Conservation Ecosystem Management in Urban Ecology
project Entrepreneur Conte Italy We are looking to join two types of projects: a) Projects that are looking to test innovative agro-forestry and pollination practices on specific rural lands. Thanks to our numerous partnerships across Italy we can provide access to a number of sites that would act as test cases for the monitori...
project Assistant professor ELDEM Turkey genomics for restoring ecosystems and biodiversity/fisheries meta-omics methods Genomics, transcriptomics Metagenomics Metabarcoding Genotyping tools
project PH Bargach Maroc Étude simotectonique sur Haut Atlas occidentale , zone sinistré de Haouz.
project Asssoc Prof İçemer Turkey We would like to be a partner in a project that includes ensuring the sustainability and restoration of marine ecological quality and biodiversity in sea meadows that are disappearing as a result of climate change and human pressure in marine ecosystems. In the project, sustainability of biodiver...
project Msc GÜR Turkey I would like to join a project which study climate effect on biodiversity in terms of economic, social and production.
project Prof. Dr. Soylu Turkey I am looking for a project on Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic and other drivers of biodiversity losses and algal pollution in freshwater habitats, freshwater ecology, biodiversity.
project Dr. Aybar Turkey Understanding and predicting the spread of disease outbreaks can be achieved through the examination of nonlinear biochemical and population dynamics models. These models depict the interplay between individuals who are susceptible, infected, and immune within population. By studying these models...
project Assoc. Prof. Ku Taiwan Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change
project PhD Pombo Portugal Not looking for a partner
project phd Gaudes Spain We are interested in joining a proposal across the three Biodiversa+ call themes. Concretely, we have capacities for setting the technical requirements, developing and installing NBS, such as (electro) wetlands, walls or green roofs for wastewater or greywater treatment for different reuse purpos...
project Master KARAKURT Turkey In order to protect biological diversity and ensure sustainable use, we carry out studies on the collection, conservation, identification of plant genetic resources, their cultivation when necessary and their use in breeding programs. We also carry out projects on the On-Site Protection and Devel...
project Dr Ravi Poland I am interested in joining the project that focuses on Energy and Fuels.
project Project Manager Laanaya Morocco We are interested to join projects with similar research interests on the field of medicinal and aromatic plants and where our expertise can be useful.
project Doctor Bueno Brazil I'm interested in participating in a project that examines how climate change affects species distribution, as well as analyzes how different variables impact species distribution.
project Freivalde-Jemeljanova Latvia The Institute of Agro-Resources and Economics is looking for a project to join in following fields: - Department of field plant breeding and agroecology: Crop breeding and genetic research Agroecological and agrotechnical research in integrated and organic agriculture Resear...
project Dr Ravi Poland I am interested in joining a project that focuses on energy and fuel, waste management and circular bio-economy.
project Student Manenzhe South Africa I would like to be considered to be a project partner for any related project of agriculture (farming and crops plantation) as i have better understanding of agriculture, also in an indigenous ways.
project Dr. Budiyono Indonesia Nature based solution for flood risk related to land subsidence and coastal retreat.
project Dr RICHIER France Mapping biodiversity of macroalgae and marine plants on intertidal coastline in the context of climate changes. IA and automatisation of image processing.
project Student Rachel South Africa I would like to join a project that focuses on researching about the nature , agriculture and biodiversity conservation.
project Prof. Dani Italy I'm looking for a project to join within the THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss I'm currently working on some restoration projects aimed at conserving wild bee biodiversity in river belt areas recently subjected to significant land remodelling...
project Prof. Dani Italy I'm looking for a project to join within the THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss I'm currently working on some restoration projects aimed at conserving wild bee biodiversity in river belt areas recently subjected to significant land remodelling...
project PHD Gaglioppa Italy We are interested to join a project where NBS are applied on the protected areas or marginal / internal areas where there are problems with local communities
project PHD Simões Brazil I am looking for a thematic project focused on understanding the drivers of biodiversity and mitigating the anthropogenic factors contributing to biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems, or a broader project where I can actively contribute to this theme.
project Senior Project Manager, PhD Jensen Denmark Interested in joining a strong research project focusing on aquatic NbS in inland or coastal areas including developing innovative solutions and technology to monitor the effects on biodiversity and climate change.
project Dr Quintelas Portugal I'm looking for projects in the area of ​​water system restoration. I have experience in treating effluents contaminated with various contaminants such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and other organic compounds.
project Dr ROSCA Moldova, Republic of We are looking to be a partner in projects such as: Natural resource management; Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change; Sustainable use of natural resources; Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change; How Protected Areas could provide opp...
project Priv. Doz. Dr. Jiricka-Purrer Austria I would beparticularly eager to particpate in a project surveying the role of nature based solutions for integrative planning and the identification of co-benefits for biodiversity, human health and/or cc adaptation purposes OR a project on the role of nature for human health and wellbeing consid...
project Dr. Trifan Romania Gene bank and technological data for drought tolerant crops in areas severly affected by global warming
project PhD. Oliveira Portugal We would prefer to contribute to challenges that could benefit from earth observation and geospatial data science approaches.
project Dr Vilagrosa Spain Not aplicable
project Dr. Legzdina Latvia I am looking for project to join, where research on organic heterogeneous material (populations, where natural selection does the main work, able to evolve and adapt to particular growing conditions) can fit in. We can participate with already developped barley and wheat populations. We have row ...
project Dr. Wilczynska Estonia We are looking for projects with the topic of human and natural environment interactions in daily life, encompassing both urban and rural contexts, with a focus on behavioral observations, Participatory GIS, Virtual Reality, Landscape Character and Visual assessment, living labs and participatory...
project Associate Professor Tambone Italy soil conservation
project Dr., scientific researcher Mogildea Moldova THEME A: Synergies and trade-offs of Nature-Based Solutions in the context of human well-being THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss THEME C: The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change.
project PhD Ferreira da Silva Portugal Our group is drawn to initiatives that intersect computational biology, genomics, and bioinformatics with a strong emphasis on computational analysis. We excel in delivering in-depth genetic analysis and have the expertise to establish and manage robust infrastructures for secure data storage and...
project Dr Moreno Spain Broad water or agriculture thematic
project Dr. Stritih Peljhan Slovenia -
project Research Assistant Vitola Latvia We can join with our expertise to any of the call themes: Theme A. Synergies and trade-offs of NBS in the context of human well-being Theme B. NBS mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss Theme C. The contribution of NBS for just transformative change
project Prof. PhD Nesi Italy we are looking for project in which we can use our experise on AI, XAI, anomaly detection, what-if analysis, digital twin.
project Dr. Istrate Ireland We are looking for joining a team of biologists/ecologists/environmental scientiest, to which we can best contribute to make the link with public engagement, policy, and implementation.
project Mphil Offei-Darko Ghana I will like to join research projects that relate to ecosystem services in coastal areas, forests, advocacy and application of GIS.
project Associate Professor Merlo Italy We are seeking to join existing project consortia that can benefit from our expertise in animal reproduction/assisted reproduction and genetics/genomics. Our expertise can be of benefit to a broad range of projects about biodiversity, potentially any application involving animals.
project ass. prof. Marian Romania We are interested in a project in the field of urban biodiversity and its role in the conservation of biodiversity resources. We are interested in a project in the field of urban biodiversity and its role in the conservation of biodiversity resources. The activities we are involved in are: biodiv...
project Prof Boyer France I am looking for a project where biodiversity conservation and/or species interactions are investigated. I am interested in working on any animal model (vertebrate or invertebrate) and in any type of ecosystem (from agroecosystems to native forest). I am also interested in alternative farming met...
project Doctor of Phylosiphy Naweji South Africa Looking for partners working in the field of environmental science, climate change mitigation, Biological control of plants and/or pest of agricultural importance.
project PhD Sazatornil Spain We are looking for potential collaborations on projects aligned with our research focus, where our expertise in both research and management can bring valuable contributions within a Mediterranean context. For instance, projects aiming for the integration of biodiversity conservation in human act...
project PhD CIUVAT Romania We would like to join a project that aims to bring together the lessons learned from multiple countries that have already applied nature based solutions.
project Professor Mechichi Tunisia we would be happy to participate in a project dealing with bioremediation or mycoremediation of emerging pollutants that alter biodiversity in soil or water systems
project Dr. ir Barciela-Rial Netherlands EXPERTISE IN BENEFICIAL USE OF SEDIMENT AND NATURAL SOILS IN BUILDING WITH NATURE PROJECTS. I am searching a project where our expertise on locally reusing dredged sediments and soils for nature-based solutions in diference fields (flood defenses, agriculture, river restoration) could be a valuab...
project Masters Asselin France Projects in which you need to assess and compare various Nature based solutions. We can do the assessment.
project PhD Lefevre Colombia Together with the University of Los Andes, we are looking to integrate a consortium to apply for the Biodiversa+ BiodivNBS Call - #BiodivNBS - and join the effort in developing a research proposal related to sustainable agricultural production through the exploration of the taxonomic and metaboli...
project dr. Orzan Netherlands I would like to join a project studying the effectiveness and impact of nature-based solutions and interventions, creating social engagement and/or finding ways to include biodiversity in governance decision-making. The link between cultural attitudes and anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity los...
project Dr. Dace Latvia We can join with our expertise to any of the call themes: Theme A. Synergies and trade-offs of NBS in the context of human well-being Theme B. NBS mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss Theme C. The contribution of NBS for just transformative change
project Dr Vincent France On a farm, we develop a pasture cropping agrosystem adapted to Europe. Inspired by the grassland biome, we direct-drill winter cereals into perennial legume pastures that controls weeds for us. We hope to restaure soil's fonctions while producing quality crops at the same time. We manage most of ...
project Professor Lundquist Denmark SDU UAS is open to projects that wants to utilize drones for wildlife monitoring and biodiversity data collection. We are interested in developing new autonomous systems and expand current software capabilities, and in combining these advances to create practical tools for visual inspection and m...
project Dr., scientific researcher Donica Moldova We are looking for a project to join within THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss.
project Phd Coulleri Argentina Invasive Species Biocontrol
project Dr Mosbahi Tunisia C
project Dr. Pecurul Spain human values, governance of transformation, trade-offs, synergies, social economic and ecological assessement, barriers to transformation, action research, biodiversity, well-being Needs to be developed further
project Dr Zakhama Tunisia Restauration of Seagrass; climate change impact on seagrass
project Assoc. Professor Christianen Netherlands I am looking for a project on how to use NBS (such as rewilding) in coastal marine ecosystems to enhance resilience in the face of global change.
project Dr. Suciu Romania BEIA is looking for partners to join with experience from IoT projects for biodiversity such as SmartSense, SeaForest, SIMCA, SMARTCHAIN, S4F, CarbaDetect, iPREMAS, U-GARDEN, EDEN and sustainable nature-based solutions ADCATER, SmartAgro, DISAVIT, FarmSustainABL, SA-TERRA, SWAM, RRREMAKER, FoodFr...
project Prof Shwartz Israel I am working for a while now on trade-offs and synergies between nature-based solution social (health and wellbeing) and ecological (biodiversity conservation) outcomes in urban and rural areas. I have no specific idea for a project and I would also like to develop research about pro-biodiversity...
project Dr Carrara Environmental ethics Research in Metaphysics and Environmental ethics, searching for New reflections more respectful to nature. Human impacts of mining industry in Minas Gerais state.
project Doctor Nuraini Indonesia Research Project on Plant Conservation (Orchidaceae) Research project on bioprospecting plant Research related local community based for conservation Research on sustainable biodiversity Research related to Botanic garden
project Dr Kovi Norway I would like to join in plant biodiversity projects, where I can contribute with my competence in plant genetics, population genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics. Further, we can do the field trials in Norway.
project Professor O'Connell Ireland I believe that reliable data and the creation of usable knowledge is the key to success in applied research. We have extensive experience in the delivery of projects that utilise field sensors, vision systems, wireless communications, data gathering and the deployment of AI for both real-time ana...
project Dr. Mărgineanu Moldova NBS transformative change require adjustments in the social area as well and having an understanding of both real science and social phenomenon. I can ensure the social pillar of the research by adjusting and upscaling the results through legislative/normative/procedural and policy framework.
project Dr Richter Norway Insights from psychology to understand drivers and barriers of behaviour change Evaluation of interventions Human future scenarios Invasive species Consumer decisions and their impacton biodiversity
project Assistant Prof. Dr. Schinegger Austria Multiple human stressors in the landscape, water-land integration, systematic conservation planning, ecosystem services mapping, science-policy interface, stakeholder decision support
project DR Lovis Trentin Brazil Agroecologia, segurança alimentar e mudanças climáticas, soluções baseadas na natureza
project PhD Pacheco Portugal Today, with vast investment and opportunities flowing into large cities that can accommodate innovation and thus attract talent and skill, coastal communities are often neglected, and their future is put at risk. Although small communities tend to develop more sustainable solutions when compared ...
project Professor Paglia Brazil Species conservation Nature-based solutions Impact assessment Evidence based conservation
project Professor Sprinz Germany I would like to join projects where either policy forecasting or business models for ecosystem services play a major role.
project Eng Gheorghe Romania Research on the development and implementation of viable breeding technologies for endangered or declining fish species in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Restoration of wetland complexes as life supporting systems in the Danube Basin ”Restore4Life” Project “Joint Monitoring for Envir...
project Dr. Bot Italy I am interested in joining a project on RESEARCH THEME 1: Innovation and harmonisation of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data and RESEARCH THEME 2: Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to safeguard biodiversity and to ...
project Doctor in Ecology Gerhard Brazil Project to join: I am interested in joining a thematic project on aquatic ecosystems conservation and restoration and its influences in promoting ecosystem services flows. The poject may compared different land/soil conservation practices, riparian forest and ecosystem restoration and include la...
project Dr. Šorytė Lithuania Project, broadly related to the interconnections between natural environments/biodiversity, individuals’ well-being/mental health, and pro-environmental behaviors/attitudes.
project Associate Professor Schmalenberger Ireland I am looking for a project that is working on Thematic B by resorting soil multifunctionality through sustainable agriculture and the effective utilization of soil microbes. Soil microbes can interact with plants to exchange essential nutrients N, P and S for carbon in the rhizosphere. Better use...
project Associate Professor MacIntyre Ireland Looking for an international partner
project Doctor of Phylosophy M de Freitas Brazil We are interested in researching blue carbon sequestration by coastal ecosystem, particularly mangroves, and modelling of management scenarios. So, we are seeking for partners among eligible countries to collaborate on developing a project focused on the social and environmental aspects of nature...
project PhD Martin Spain Regarding Nature Base Solutions (NBSs), we have experience on the use of Green and Blue Infrastructures (GBI) (an interconnected network of natural and designed landscape elements, including water bodies and green and open spaces, which supply a wide range of provisioning, regulatory, cultural an...
project Ph.D De Souza Brazil We have expertise in the biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles using fungi isolated from the Brazilian biodiversity mainly for pharmaceutical applications. In our laboratory, we have expertise in several models of biological assays for evaluating the bioactivity and cytotoxicity of pure compound...
project PhD Ojija Tanzania (United Republic of) I am looking forward to join project that focus on Management OF Ecology, Ecological Restoration, Nature-based management of invasive plants, and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
project Dr. Ekberzade Turkey I would be interested in joining a multi-disciplinary project researching the effects of biodiversity loss on resilience of terrestrial ecosystems, and ecosystem services. Additionally, research focusing on the disturbance cycles and their linkages to biodiversity and resilience is also of intere...
project PhD Bessa Brazil We would like to offer our data analisys, atificial intelligence, optimization, instrumentation, and mobile robotics skills to a project, as well as our proximity of the Amazon rainforest. It would be great to build a project for whose data and applications could be considered in this region.
project PhD Boldeiu Romania We are pleased to offer our expertise in order to develop a fruitfully collaboration between our lab and others labs in order to ipromote and support transnational biodiversity!
project Dr. eng. Trifan Romania As partner, we could support experiences in fields with many experimental crops, demonstrative cultures, testing of different fertilizers, and biofertilizers, testing of phitopharmaceutical products, remote sensing, and biotechnologies. More details about our projects on website: https://www.scda...
project Doutora Teixeira Brazil I am a researcher on agroecology and sustainable development, I work in a semi-arid region in Brazil with a focus on agroecological-based and climate-resilient agro-food production systems. Our research seeks to develop agroecological agricultural practices capable of generating resilience in the...
project Dr Carrasco Portugal Theme A. Synergies and trade-offs of NBS in the context of human well-being Theme B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss Theme C: The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change
project Dr. Munteanu Romania Any project requiring expertise within mass spectrometry based analysis in the -omics field.
project PhD Moreira Brazil I am looking for projects to join, that need an expert in environmental interpretation, visitor monitoring, outdoor recreation in protected areas and geoparks.
project Dr. Reinhard Namibia We are looking for a strong project to join in the field of conservation ecology and technology. We are highly motivated to take sustainable nature conservation on the basis of nature-based solutions in the digital age to the next level.
project PhD Soares Brazil I am interested in teams that intend to study the microbiome of wild animals (insects such as bees, or other native animals) in order to obtain useful microorganisms for the development of products and biotechnological processes applied to human and animal well-being: probiotics, production of fe...
project Professor Marudova Bulgaria Polymers in drug delivery Smart packaging
project PhD Rodrigues Brazil I would like to support relevant projects that can promote cleaner ruminant production. I almost wrote projects to evaluate natural additives for ruminants. I am also implementing an in vitro laboratory to evaluate ruminant diets. A focus on tropical systems is preferable.
project Dr. Kirchweger Austria Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change
project Research Assistant Khurana Canada 1. Soil health amelioration with techniques such as crop rotation, organic matter incorporation, and reduced chemical usage to maintain or enhance soil biodiversity and structure. 2. Boosting digitalization of agriculture with the Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, to optimize farming pr...
project Associate professor Zsivanovits Bulgaria Small collective with experiences in fruit edible coating would like to join to international project, like a partner. The collective is successful participant and leader in national projects at the field of shelf-life prolongation with multicomponent edible coating of fruits.
project Asociate profesor Duta Cornescu Romania We would like to join a project where our expertise can be useful.
project Phd Delinschi Romania We are actively looking for partners/consortia for cooperation within EU funded R&D projects which require IT expertise.
project Professor Vanwambeke Belgium Considering land must serve multiple purposes and often others than maintaining health, how can be factor health among other criteria? Some land management strategies may foster health risk, how can such risks be dealt with? (eg forest management vs tick-borne diseases; city greening vs. mosquito...
project dr Pavel Romania • Identify and analyze the synergies between NbS and human well-being, emphasizing the co-benefits and potential trade-offs. • Assess the effectiveness of different NbS approaches in enhancing ecosystem services and their impact on human communities. • Investigate the role of NbS in mitigat...
project PhD candidate Gonotee Netherlands The themes of the project: studying the impact of nature-based solutions in land and water management for enhancing ecosystem services and climate change adoption in West Africa, specifically Liberia. The project aims to investigate the effectiveness and potential benefits of nature-based soluti...
project PhD Bubueanu Romania Sustainable use of natural resources
project Dr Michels Belgium Longitudinal studies, lab experiments or interventions in adults or adolescents studying the effects of nature-based solutions on human health or human behaviour that need expertise in biomarkers, dietary behaviour, stress, or specific nature applications (indoor, multi-sensorial, volatiles, micr...
project Professor Garon France Distribution and characterization of fungi in environments Mycoremediation
project Dr. Gavin McCrory McCrory Norway I am interested in searching for possibility to collaborate around Theme C: The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change. In particular, I have a deep interest in processes of social learning for transformations in human-nature relations, preferably, but not limited t...
project Dr. Naffa Hungary We are interested in researching biodiversity finance. Seeking innovative financial tools to help fund nature-based solutions. Performing economic theory modelling for measuring risk, valuation of externalities of NBS, risk mitigation, incentives for sustainable finance investing, performance mea...
project Asst. Professor Kaloudis Greece We are interested in participating in a project and offering our expertise in computational modeling and simulation, data analysis, and biostatistics.
project PhD Rosca Moldova THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss THEME C: The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change
project Prof. dr. Ruessink Netherlands I am looking for a project on Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss in coastal regions (e.g., deltas, coasts, dunes).
project Dr (Assoc. Prof.), Head of insti Penc... Slovenia Looking for a highly motivated project consortium in the domain of nature-based solutions
project MSc MSc Martin Austria Governance of nature-based solutions (especially marine and coastal NBS) Policy and financial mechanisms to leverage nature-based solutions Values and worldviews of nature-based solutions (including cultural ecosystem services) Governance enablers and barriers of nature-based solutions Justice ...
project PhD Kozacki Poland We are looking for projects that focus on the fauna and microorganisms biodiversity in both natural and agricultural environment. Examples of project carried out in INHORT: BIO-FERTIL - "Development of technology for innovative mineral fertilizers enriched microbiologically", EXCALIBUR - "Using ...
project Dr. Nicolaidis Lindqvist Sweden I am interested in project working on: Natural resource management; Model-based social-ecological planning; Socio-hydrology; System dynamics
project Dr. Klečka Czech Republic Testing and mitigating the impact of anthropogenic drivers (climate change, land-use change, habitat destruction, etc.) on pollinators and pollination services in natural or agricultural habitats. Alternatively, a project focusing on herbivorous of predatory invertebrates and their role in ecosys...
project Dr Vaz Álvaro Portugal Island ecology, Biodiversity, bioclimatology, invasive species
project PhD Fernandez-Gonzalez Spain As an Ecotoxicology and Marine Chemical Pollution Research Group, we are interested in joining a project related to our research lines: toxicity of pollutants in marine organisms, assessing and monitoring pollution in coastal ecosystems, bioaccumulation and molecular biomarkers in mussels and/or ...
project Dr Traving Denmark I'm very interested in trait-based approaches and modeling and would like to work on a project that apply similar ideas to microbial and/or viral research questions. I am also interested in climate change and extreme weather phenomena and their impact on ecosystems.
project Dr. Naegeli de Torres Germany - integrate ecological / biodiversity information in scenarios on land use changes and biomass uses. - link biodiversity research with our research on biomass (by-products and wastes) quantification. - Biodiversity linkage to biomass availability / use - Biodiversity contribution to biobased p...
project Dr. Head of Section Jacobsen Denmark Looking for a project on NBS and biodiversity regarding freshwater systems, preferably streams.
project PhD Kiss Hungary We are eager to participate in any kind of project working in the field of pollinators, soil zoology and ecotoxicology, microplastics and nanomaterials. We also have an expertise with large herbivorous ungulates and their feeding habits. We also have ideas for projects if someone interested in ...
project Professor Christoffersen Denmark Any type of project that studies the pattern of freshwater ecosystems under natural conditions and to detect which drives are involved on keeping the these patterns intact and dynamic. In addition, I´m very interested in the impact of anthropogenic imposed stressors to all type of freshwater hab...
project Legal and finance expert Baadj France We are looking for projects aiming at enhancing the use of nature-based solutions where an expert in finance, economy and legal aspects is needed. We are particularly interested in research related to leveraging private and public financing for NBS.
project Dr. Orlov Norway Projects investigating the socioeconomic impacts of Nature-based Solutions (NbS).
project Dr Mata Portugal Involving aspects of farming and or living labs
project Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roubík Czech Republic At the moment, searching for a project to join.
project President Cojocaru Romania Biodiversa+ Partnership aims to connect science, policy and practice for transformative change. BioNEst Cluster brings "practice" to the table! And we need to connect with science and policy in order to achieve the change we all aim. We are in search of a consortium that can use our members...
project Dr Dasgupta India 1. Spatial modelling of land use and ecosystem services 2. Policy for NbS 3. Community based conservation
project Dr VERSINI France Projects focussed on the assessment of NbS through spatial scales. It can concern: hydrological, mecanical or thermal processus, but also biodiversity conservation.
project Lecturer Cuibus Romania We would like to be involved in a project dealing with farming systems development, food chain, agrobiodiversity, circular economy, food science and technology, local farmers, organic food
project Dr van Wessel Netherlands I would like to join a project that seeks to engage with the roles of civil society in addressing questions of biodiversity. This can be in diverse regions of the world.
project PhD Lefevre Colombia I am the co-founder and research director of Endófita Biotechnology a start-up company based in Colombia, one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth. At Endófita, our objectives are to 1) unravel the beneficial interactions microbes naturally establish with plants, 2) optimize these interact...
project Sr. Scientist Hinsby Denmark Use of nbs to control/reduce nutrient loadings
project Prof. dr. Nawrot Belgium Birth cohorts, green space, air pollution, gut microbiome, skin mirobiome are projects we currently work on.
project Professor Nik Sweden We possess sufficient flexibility to align with the aims of a specific project, as long as we find it relevant to our expertise and background.
project M.Arch Sánchez Spain We are interested in projects developing Nature-based Solutions to build climate resilience. We contribute with the framework of IUCN Global Standard for NbS, in which we're certified, as well as the perspectives of social innovation and green entrepreneurship.
project PhD Alonso González Spain -
project Dr. Švara Austria In line with the UNESCO Chair ambitions, I would be glad to join and contribute to projects that also aim at understanding NBS implementation effects on freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems and respective biodiversity.
project Dr Gomez-Rodriguez Spain Development and application of methods to refine priorities and needs for adequate biodiversity assessment and protection. From local to regional and global scales.
project Dr Baselga Spain Projects working on biodiversity monitoring and modeling trends
project Masters murugi Kenya I'm seeking a partner who shares similar interests and expertise in any of these areas. Collaboration with a like-minded researcher would allow us to tackle pressing environmental challenges together and contribute to positive change. I'm keen to join projects that align with my wide-ranging ex...
project Dr Ofir Israel The project: I am looking for a project that will enable to create a digital library of Israel desert plants and their metabolites and to explore the potential of desert plants to become Medicinal Plants based on their chemical diversity. The aim is to preserve the biodiversity of desert plants. ...
project MSc Fernandez Germany Looking for a project implementing NBS solutions, where we can contribute with accompany research to capture knowledge regarding the impact of solutions related to urban ecology, ecosystem and biodiversity, their replicability pontential in other cities and regions in Europe facing similar challe...
project Dr.nat.techn. Hussain Austria I am interested to understand the dynamics of grassland managements as they are not unidirectional, but they are multifaceted and multidirectional. I am curious to see how different arthropods diversity (predators and pollinators) respond to grassland managements and conservation strategies.
project MSc Mornout Netherlands We would be willing to join and form projects that include innovative applied research, aimed at showing the potential of NBS on biodiversity. We have a significant track record in Europe, Africa, Asia and lots of potential to seek synergies with already ongoing projects and programs as well to b...
project Dr. Piqué Spain Fluvial system functioning, interaction river morphology/hydraulics and ecology.
project Assistant Professor MORAKINYO Ireland Looking to join projects working on NBS for climate adaptation e.g. heat stress mitigation/adaptation; and/or air quality improvements
project Senior Lecturer Geekiyanage Sri Lanka I am facianted to join projects focusing on teaching and reasearch on Ecological Restoration, Ecosystem Services, Tree Ecophysiology, Tree Abiotic Stress to Temperature and Water, Landscape Ecology, and Forest Ecology. As a Senior Lecturer in Forestry at my university I have a laboratory setup, h...
project PhD Oliveira Portugal We are looking a consortium to join. CBIOS develops Integrated Health Strategies by applying the competence of all it’s members in four research domains: Natural Bioatives & Circular Economy Nutrition & Wellbeing Formulation Strategies & Nanosolutions Models and Molecular Mechanisms
project PhD Mendiola Spain We can join a project that wants to valorize biomass or study the possibilities of biodiversity to fight health issues such as non-transmissible diseases like neurodegenerative diseases or certain types of cancer. We base our research on green processes inspired by the principles of green chemis...
project Dr. Mayer Austria We are interested in joining a project that focusses on the interactions between land-use, climate change, and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. We are particularly interested in studies that aim to analyze those complex interactions through the lenses of how resilience can be built...
project M.Arch Sánchez Spain Projects related to the design, analysis and implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), those which are related to adaptation and/or mitigation of the climate crisis and those which develop resilience actions, while integrating a social and equity vision. Also those related to the developmen...
project Dr. sc. ETH Stoeckli Switzerland Impact of climate change on pollinators and pollination service and other drivers (e.g. land-use). Natre-based solutions to secure pollinators and pollination ecosystem servcies (e.g. agroecology).
project Full Professor LÓPEZ RAMÓN Spain The Carbon Materials and Environment research team is looking for a project about treatment for water decontamination and/or its reuse for different applications. According to our background, we provide experience and equipment for Carbon-based materials synthesis and characterisation (textural, ...
project Pr Banquy Canada We can provide expertise in soil modification (change in water retention for arid regions or tuning of optical properties) or in drug delivery systems (gene delivery systems, antimicrobial delivery systems). The technologies we have developed can be field tested in different environments to incre...
project . Zajbert Israel We propose Eilat as a demo site to test nature based solutions in an arid climate. Eilat hosts a diversity of sites that could be relevant to this call. We have already ongoing projects promoting nature based solutions and we see this call as an opportunity to develop more and exchange expertise.
project Dr. Klebl Australia Please get in touch if a psychological perspective could be useful to your project.
project Prof Meysman Belgium Our expertise: Ocean alkalinization as additional ecosystem service for marine ecosystems (sediments, mangroves, seagrasses)
project Dr. Schönhart Austria transformative change in agriculture towards biodiversity goals, eventually considering climate change
project Ph.D Bojana Petrovic Petrovic Czech Republic I would like to join a project that includes agriculture, organic agriculture, fertilizers, internal qualities of the food, biodiversity,soil microbiology, pest and weed protections.
project Pr. Lahlali Morocco Resilient agriculture, agroecology. Climate change
project Cand.Scient.Pol Sanne-Wander Denmark I look for projects on TRL 5-7, with an orientation to end-users, which I can look for in Eastern Denmark. Organisations form Eastern Denmark can act as demonstrators, pilot projects, living labs etc., to showcase the roll-out of new technologies and methods in real-world conditions. Eastern Denm...
project DVM & Animal Welfare Specialist Racci... Argentina I would love to join a project aligning with my expertise in animal welfare and wildlife-human interactions, with emphasis on reconciling conflicts between wildlife and domestic animals (livestock, pets, feral animals) and their impact on environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation...
project Dr khayi Morocco to actively participate in research projects focused on assessing and restoring biodiversity in specific ecosystems by leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies. It will involves applying advanced methodologies such as remote sensing, DNA barcoding, metagenomics, and ecological modeling to e...
project Dr Misson France We are looking for a project dealing with the use of marine biodiversity to better assess marine environmental quality and provide science-based evidences of effects useful for decision making and reducing human impacts. We could contribute with microbial diversity analyses (taxonomic and functi...
project Dr Perona France We can make the connection with world-class researchers on subjective well-being metrics and uses (Claudia Senik, Andrew Calrk, Yann Algan, Sarah Flèche) for collaborations involving SWB impacts of biodiversity.
project PhD Vereshchagina Norway development of tools for biodiversity surveillance, parallelization and automation of analytical procedures
project PhD Mokrini Morocco I'm writing to express my keen interest in joining a project aligning with my expertise in biological control of pests and plant diseaes, including 1-entomopathogenic funga, bacteria and nematodes. 2-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi In Plant Disease Control, 3-Use of Parasitoids as a Biocontrol Agen...
project Doctorat in Biology Maatouf Morocco Assessment of the state of conservation of natural forest habitats through inventories of their entomofauna. Diagnosis of natural and anthropogenic pressures that could affect their sustainability. This inventory serves as a reference for this type of habitat for future change (decline,...) at sp...
project Professor Taghavi Canada We are actively seeking collaborations with established project consortia that can benefit from our profound expertise in fluid mechanics, advanced experimental capabilities, and comprehensive complex flow modeling. In this pursuit, we are particularly interested in joining the joint transnationa...
project Dr. Ding Netherlands I seek to join a project aligning with my expertise in plant-microbe interactions, disease resistance, and innovative solutions for agriculture, biodiversity, and human health. Particularly interested in investigating plant-microbe interactions and disease resistance in crops, I'm open to project...
project Dr. Kopf France We are seeking to join existing project consortia that can benefit from our expertise in microfluidics and fine-tuned fluid handling as an innovative SME partner. Our expertise can be of benefit to essentially any application where fine-tuned pressure, volume or flow control is required. The rang...
project Dr Riar Switzerland Boosting the transformation of farming systems to contribute to sustainable food systems based upon agroecology principles using functional agrobiodiversity for improved nutrition and climate adaptation.
project Assoc. prof. D-r Uzundzhalieva Bulgaria We are looking for a project to join. Main topics- agriculture, climate change, food safety, smart agriculture, locak landraces and crop wild relatives.
project Dr Octave France We would like to be involved in a project dealing with crop production and new methods, technology, products to increase production in a sustainable way.
project Dr. Hamdi Belgium I am very interested in applying climate downscaling method including machine learning algorithms for adaptation simulations using Nature-Based-Solutions in urban areas an cities. I'm also interested in studying the effect of different global warming levels on cities and the benefit of NBS for th...
project Dr Spiteri Malta I would like to join a project exploring nature-based solutions for biodiversity loss with children and adults.
project Lecturer Dickin Sweden I am interested in a project that includes investigating how water and sanitation services can be delivered as NBS, particularly in low-income countries, such as in a case study. I am interested in how water and sanitation NBS could increase climate resilience, reduce inequalities due to gender o...
project PhD Kozajda Poland We are looking for projects on the impact of the spread of microorganisms including antimicrobial resistant bacteria and air pollution on environmental biodiversity and human health.
project Dr Myeni South Africa Multidisciplinary project at catchment-scale focusing on agriculture and nature-based solutions
project Ph.D. Furtak Poland We are looking for projects that involve studies of the microbial biodiversity of the natural environment.
project Patuano Netherlands I would love to join a project exploring perceptions and experience of biodiversity, particularly for urban vulnerable populations, and potentially willing to propose design solutions.
project NA Maneo Belgium We are looking for projects working on promoting and supporting agrobiodiversity and diversified food systems, where we can offer both technical expertise on seeds and plant genetic materials and a platform for knowledge sharing and engagement.
project M.Sc. Dip-Ing BOUROUAH Germany Soil Sensing, soil extraction, spectrophotometry, Sensor Integration and Automation, Fluidic design
project Juniorprofessor Simons Germany My research focuses on the role of biodiversity in habitats used by humans. Therefore, I am interested in projects which investigate aim to understand how conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functions are considered in decision-making processes.