Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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partner Dr. Saini India Project Proposal: Nature-Based Solutions for Biodiversity Conservation with Emphasis on Moths (Lepidoptera)** 1. Introduction: Biodiversity loss is a pressing global issue, with significant implications for ecosystem health, human well-being, and sustainable development. This project proposal out...
partner Ing, Delgado Velez Spain NOMBRE:Cultivo Ecológico bajo invernadero de Papaya Ubicación: Catalunya Superficie: 10 hectáreas Comercio.. Intracomunitario; España, Francia, Italia, Países bajos, Alemania, etc.
partner Prof Dr Uludag Turkey Currently we have some small local projects relationship companion plants and pollinators. We have only submitted papers recently. Objectives of Project: 1. Using cover crops/companion crops to improve pollination via increasing biodiversity and the number of pollinators 2. Establishing a weed ...
partner prévention et éducation sur l'en MV... Ivory Coast Dans le cadre de la protection de l’environnement et de la promotion de la biodiversité, l’ONG ATW souhaite mener des activités de sensibilisation et d’éducation des habitants et élèves des quartiers en proie à la vulnérabilité dans plusieurs communes de la ville d’Abidjan. Cette ...
partner Professor Vilela Oliva Brazil Dr. Maria Luiza Vilela Oliva and her collaborator are specialists in the purification of proteins obtained from seeds of Brazilian plants with inhibitory function of different classes of proteolytic enzymes that are up to regulate in different biological processes such as inflammation, hemostasis...
partner Ms. Raizada India Currently working on an idea: 'Sustainable Urban-Rural Health Program' - to develop circular ecosystem between urban and rural areas at a regional level; which has also been awarded the 'Community Innovator Fellowship' by Govt. of India. It involves various expertise and we need to finalize a su...
partner Professor Magdolen Germany our research integrates pioneering methodological approaches in the synthesis, isolation, and characterization of these compounds, representing a substantial advancement in the field. These compounds exhibit a high degree of specificity and selectivity for their intended targets, showcasing a pot...
partner Baris Ozalp Ozalp Turkey Monitoring the Resilience of Coral and Coralligenous habitats in the Canakkale Strait (Dardanalles) focusing specifically on the Marine Protected Area ; Coral and Coralligenous habitats along the shores of the Dardanelles Strait will be identified and monitored seasonally for a period of two yea...
partner Doctor Haile Erena Ethiopia The proposed project will focus on four important activities; community empowerment to protect the environment, reduce the pressure on natural forest by improving the livelihood of the depending society, recycling solid wastes and the rehabilitation of the degraded environment. Thus the local com...
partner Professor Queluci Brazil I am a teacher, nurse and aromatherapist. We have a project related to the use of essential oil blends, as a Complementary Integrative Practice, in patients with various symptoms related to Anxiety, pain and others. I would like interested partners to support studies of oil synergies for the deve...
partner PhD Teixeira-Costa Brazil I'm looking for parters to work on a proposal that intends to research and obtain polysaccharides such as cellulose, pectin and starch, using extraction techniques based on green chemistry for the use of waste from the Rio de Janeiro agroindustry (banana and guava), with appreciation of the regio...
partner PhD Feitosa Brazil I look for projects that implement the Nexus approach (water-energy-food) and their relationships with sustainable development objectives. Projects analyzing biodiversity and the effects of climate change and landscape changes on animal communities
partner Ph.D Fernandes Brazil Our project investigates natural products and their potential use in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases – Characterization of autophagy induced by Amazonian plant extracts. We are looking for partners whose expertises include (but not limited to) metabolomics, proteomics, natural compo...
partner Mr Feitosa Brazil Specialist with ecology and biodiversity
partner Dr Bares Spain I am looking for universities, research centers, companies, etc with experience in natural-plant based solution for inflammatory diseases
partner Dr. Aseres Ethiopia Currently I have a project plan on initiating and developing Ecotourism as a nature based solution in protected areas in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has many protected areas which are home of diversified and endemic wildlife species. However, most of the protected areas are found in risk scenarios. This i...
partner Dr Ersoy Tonyaloglu Turkey The purpose of this study is to predict the impact of climate change on the future distribution ranges of species belonging to the Pinus genus naturally occurring in the Mediterranean basin, understand and monitor the distribution behavior of these species, develop adaptation strategies by conduc...
partner associate professor dr. Dalkılıç Turkey We are looking for partners from the relevant field for the project we will carry out in the name of bioremediation, bacterial bioremediation of chromium and its sub-elements and environmental cleaning processes.
partner Associate Professor Amrouni Tunisia Our project focuses on Nature Based Solutions dedicated for two issues to achieve the sustainability of the Ghar el Melh lagoon & coastal ecosystems: (1) increasing local natural biodegradation capacity of soils to trap polluted waters delivered by urban sewage systems; and (2) re-development of ...
partner Dr. Pizzorno Backx Brazil I developed my research in green chemistry and based my studies on green nanotechnology (Bionanotechnology, synthesis of nanostructures, molecular switches, and nanostructured materials). I am looking for a partner to change information and construct a library with nature information.
partner Dr. Oskay Turkey About honey bees and varroa mite cage study
partner Prof Pillay South Africa The title of my project is: Increasing Banana Diversity, Enhancing Banana Production and Empowering Small-Scale Farmers in South Africa: A Resilient Approach to Addressing Climate Change, Food Insecurity, and Market Opportunities through Novel Varieties and Niche Market Development.
partner Prof.Dr. Temel Turkey We are looking for partners for a project aimed at assessing the impact of artificial ponds and similar structures on the biodiversity in the regions where they are established, supporting the cultivation of regionally suitable plants for regional development, and transforming the products obtain...
partner Dr Salvatierra Brazil We are looking for partners to develop a project that proposes solutions that mitigate the effects of pollutants on the population dynamics of species in a given environment, in an air-water system.
partner PhD. Matache Romania The Aquaterra Ecological Society is a Romanian non-profit registered scientific NGO targeting the study and conservation of natural biodiversity, with experts from different universities and research institutes. Founded in January 1993, we established a research station on the premises of the Uni...
partner Dr Nawrocka Poland The project is related to the results of my pilot research, which showed that the increase in soil humidity and quality, as well as the biodiversity of plants in flower meadows, may be promoted by the emulsifying and gelling substances being unused post-production waste in the food and pharmaceut...
partner Associate Professor Polidori Italy Deploying the generative synergies between agroforestry and pollinators for the regeneration of degraded peri-urban lands with historical value, through community wealth building and the development of new rural economies. Testing via one real life case study in rural area near Milan (13 ha.), i...
partner Assistant Professor Paciulli Italy Study of the ancient wheat varieties and their valorization towards application of the flours in product formulations. Study of the physicochemical and nutritional properties of the final products.
partner Dr Gbedomon Switzerland We are looking for partners interested in investigating the challenges and effective outcomes of Nature-based solutions from the perspective of green infrastructure. We have expertise in green infrastructure design, ecosystem services assessment and modeling, and extensive experience in engaging ...
partner Dr Abril Spain The project proposal aims to assess biodiversity in various ponds created as nature-based solutions. These nature-based solutions are essential for mitigating environmental issues and providing ecosystem services. Ponds play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and supporting various aquati...
partner Dr. Medina-Silva Brazil The aim of the project is to understand the dinamics of microbial isolates and communities from southern Brazilian costal lakes regarding their ability of precipitating carbonates (which is a metabolic traint that capture CO2 from the environment) under increasing water temperature and acidifica...
partner Mr cOSTA Portugal The project aims to create Species Distribution Models (SDMs) in selected Natura 2000 Network sites using vegetation series and geoseries (as Potential Natural Vegetation), along with Remotely Sensed Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) derived from Analysis Ready Data (ARD). Through an innova...
partner Dr. Karakoç Turkey I am looking for a project partner to join forces in realizing the following initiative: We aim to harness the beauty and biodiversity of our university campuses to create outdoor museums, raising awareness and emotional connections to nature. Our project involves recording and identifying trees,...
partner Biomedical Engineer BULUT Turkey In order to contribute to the EU's mission of 'Saving Our Oceans and Waters' with the goal of a sustainable world, adopting priority R&D issues within the scope of compliance with the EU Green Deal, determining the effects of the destruction caused by climate change, environmental waste on aquati...
partner PH Bargach Maroc Etude hydrogeophysique et gestion du développement durable de la zone de Haouz après le tremblement de terre de 08/09/2023.
partner Dr Weldon Sweden Optimising landscape multi functionality - we are an interdisciplinary team at the Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) looking for partners in a project to develop a decision-support framework that encourages reflection and recursive thinking about landscape multifunctionality, incl...
partner Prof ARISAN Turkey This project is aimed at providing user-friendly tools for third-party users to detect and monitor biodiversity loss and put forward protection strategies by the calculation of artificial intelligence.
partner BILAN AWDAL ORGANIZATION SOMALIA Ahme... Somalia Somalia has been a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since its ratification in 2009 [5]. In compliance with its obligations under the provisions of the CBD, Somalia developed its first National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) which was formed through a long consu...
partner Dr Tatishvili Georgia The comprehensive assessment of dangerous hydrometeorological events (heavy rain, wind, hail, thunderstorm, drought flood, landslide) using ground and satellite observation for disaster risk reduction and climate resilience to implement Nature Based Solutions will be realized for 1960-2020 in G...
partner Prof Luus-Powell South Africa Pollution of aquatic ecosystems play a large role in loss in biodiversity. Wetlands play a large role in preserving biodiversity and ensuring a safe environment for all users. We are looking at ideas to restore a wetland in a semi-urban area to ensure proper ecosystem services for the community i...
partner 2DII - Financing of NBS Baadj France Project for Theme C. The contribution of NBS for just transformative change 2DII has skills in finance, economy and law - research partners with knowledge in nature and public policies
partner Dr. Santos Brazil The metropolitan regions of Brazil have a large number of irregular occupations and are home to a large population, who live at risk and with little or no public services to which they are entitled. However, we have data that indicate positive expressions and resistance in urban peripheries. Ther...
partner Mr. Mawela South Africa I am looking to enter into research collaboration with partners with similar research interests, i.e., Biological control of invasive alien plants. My current research projects includes; Biological control of Tithonia diversifolia, Lantana camara, cardiospermum grandiflorum, Xanthium strumarium, ...
partner Dr. Sierens Belgium Our project aims to optimize coastal management by stimulating collaboration among engineering, ecology, social sciences, and urban/landscape architecture, breaking down disciplinary barriers for climate change adaptation in coastal areas. Contact us for more information.
partner Dr. Wuyts Norway Reimagining Reclaimed Wood: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Biodiversity and Community Well-being Our project seeks to harness the potential of reclaimed wood in bolstering biodiversity and fostering community well-being. Through a series of interlinked objectives, we aim to assess, innovate, an...
partner Dr Mejri Tunisia Restoration of Seagrass Meadows in the Archipelago of Kerkennah to mitigate with climate change effect and to enhance the resilience of local population
partner Dr Simelane South Africa My field of research involves biological control of alien invasive plants using insects and mites. I would like to partner with researcher/s who are working on management of alien invasive plants, particularly those of American origin.
partner Prof Toscano Italy Study the potential of nature conservation to achieve climate and agrobiodiversity objectives, providing expertise in experimental field practices and management to improve crop and soil biodiversity in Mediterranean environments with an agroecological approach.
partner Doctorat ADJE Burkina Faso
partner Senior Lecturer Bakuza Tanzania (United Republic of) Title: Optimized Use of Bugs for Bioassessment and Biomonitoring of Aquatic Ecosystems Health in Urban Settings Stream water pollution is a major issue contributing to health problems in many urban areas particularly in developing countries. To mitigate pollution and its impact on public health,...
partner Dr. Ayala Garcia Italy How can an interdisciplinary team build an open source platform for DIYR Citizen Science, which can provide all the necessary tools to build objects and artefacts that help to produce biodiversity gain in urban and peripherical areas following Nature-Based Solution principles? General Objective ...
partner Research Fellow Ndaga Kenya Research on Nature Based solution
partner AMOPUD UNIVERSTY SOMALIA Ahmed Somalia Dedicated agronomy professional with 25 years of experience in agriculture-related professions such as crop production, germplasm collection and conservation, food systems, soil erosion and conservation, lecturer in (crop cultivation, soil fertility, soil protection, agricultural machinery and we...
partner Dr Vieira Brazil Role of natural products on neutrophil effector response. I need contributors specialized in omics analyses (scRNAseq, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics) and molecular biology with expertise in generation of transgenic mice.
partner Dr. Ayres Brazil I'm looking for a partner to implement a project together. I am particularly interested in investigating recently degraded areas to assess the impact on mosquito diversity and assess the risk of emergence of urban arbovirus epidemics and how to develop strategies to prevent predicted epidemics.
partner PhD in Biological Oceanography a SELF... Morocco I am seeking partners among eligible countries, particularly in Spain and France, to collaborate on developing a project focused on marine biological invasion. This project will focus on a model invasive species and multiple pilot sites to develop practices for adapting to biological invasion tha...
partner PhD in Health Sciences Leão Brazil We are looking for partners for a cross-cultural validation study of nature images: e-Nature Positive Emotions Photography Database (e-NatPOEM) in its expanded version. We are looking for researchers with expertise in the study of positive emotions, well-being, aesthetic experience in nature, tec...
partner Prof. Verpoorten Belgium WE SEEK EXPERTISE ON BIOGAS INSTALLATIONS SUITABLE FOR POOR COMMUNITIES This proposal seeks to accomplish the following objectives: Piloting Diverse Biogas Installations: This research will initiate various biogas installations within an artisanal fishing community in Benin. Randomized Control Tr...
partner Professor in sustainable develop Aall Norway Study the potential of nature conservation to reach both the climate and biodiversity goals
partner Monsieur Marena Guinée Le thème choisi et la rentabilité agroéconomique des variétés de riz CK 21, CK 801, CK 90 en système de riziculture intensive (SRI).
partner PhD in Neuroscience Cabañero Spain The nervous system of honeybees expresses AmHsTRPA, a TRPA channel activated by heat. Interestingly, the nervous system of their main parasite, Varroa destructor, expresses also TRPA1 ionic channels that have structural differences with the honeybee variant, being all those primitive versions of ...
partner Dr Michels Belgium Longitudinal studies, lab experiments or interventions in adults or adolescents studying the effects of nature-based solutions on human health or human behaviour that need expertise in biomarkers, dietary behaviour, stress, or specific nature applications (indoor, multi-sensorial, volatiles, micr...
partner Licence serres France Le jardin d'El-Ma est un projet d'agriculture biologique, en milieu humide, combinant l'agroforesterie et la médiation par le végétal pour la préservation de la biodiversité et les bienfaits thérapeutiques. Il vise à créer un espace respectueux de l'environnement et de la gestion de l'eau...
partner Assistant Professor Pi Taiwan In order to solve issues such as climate change and sustainable agriculture, I want to investigate the microbiota of paddy fields all the available in Taiwan using metagenomic technology to compare whether chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers have an impact on soil biodiversity, soil micr...
partner University teacher Insausti Spain We are interested in creating a nature based pilot project in at least 3 countries and looking for a 4th one to create and transform the concept of walking paths as wellbeing and sustainable value catalyst. We have already created one pilot project and are looking for a fourth country or universi...
partner PhD Goshu Ethiopia Livestock are key to food security and crucial for human survival in the face of climate change in developing nations of Sub- Saharan Africa and providing 34% of the protein (meat, milk, and eggs) and essential micronutrients in vulnerable populations. Indigenous cattle are better adapted to hot ...
partner PhD Goshu Ethiopia Project Title: Genomic-Wide Detection of Copy Number Variations in Ethiopia Indigenous Cattle using whole genome sequencing Ethiopia is endowed with a very large (70 million heads) and phenotypically diverse cattle population comprising over 28 traditional breeds. The detection of CNVs in Ethiop...
partner Doctorate Mounic Silva Brazil In the city of Florianópolis, in the state of Santa Catarina, is located the largest production of marine bivalve molluscs (from aquaculture) in Latin America. The aquaculture of bivalves on the coast of the state of Santa Catarina is carried out in bays and coastal beaches, directly in the sea....
partner Doctor in engineering Faugno Italy 3Bee has proposed a cutting-edge research project designed to analyze the effectiveness and accuracy of various Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) using their innovative monitoring protocol, Element-e. This protocol employs a dual-level data acquisition approach, involving remote sensing and Internet o...
partner Prof. Eldessouki Czech Republic We are looking for local and regional authorities who could develop their region by adopting our natural-based solutions for protecting infrastructure (transport, energy, etc.).
partner Dr. Clay Sweden I am looking for partners with expertise on topics of ecosystem restoration, agroecology, or regenerative agriculture. I am also interested in people with broad understanding of climate change adaptation and resilience in rural areas. The project that I am organizing focuses on nature-based solut...
partner Dr Parra Spain Project focuses in the zero pollution strategy, emerging contaminants and the use of NBS for solving it and getting improved water quality and quantity, and how society needs to learn and support those strategies. Specific themes: extreme climate events, droughts, circular economy , science citiz...
partner Associate Professor Prishchepov Denmark cross-border studies on socioecological interactions, ecosystem services and social services bundles and tradeoffs in grassland systems
partner PhD Wolowski Brazil I am looking for partners to develop a project that reconciles the biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture, considering nature-based solutions to promote transformative changes and ensure the provision of ecosystem services in food systems, through transdisciplinary science and know...
partner PhD Kowalski Poland This project aims to create a comprehensive database of corals raised in individual aquaria and public facilities such as marine museums or oceanariums. The database will facilitate contact and collaboration with selected individuals involved in observing natural spawning events in these controll...
partner Dr. Lemmen Germany Lead or participate in seagrass or bivalve-related NbS topics that should be transnational and transfer-oriented. Innovative end-to-end ideas to restore bivalves/seagrasses and use them as NbS, support by 3-pillars (a) field experiments (b) integration as spatial biogeophysical and social-ecolog...
partner Dr. rer. nat. Herberth Germany I 'm looking for partners for the Biodiverda+ call in 2023 Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change – BiodivNBS The call opening for pre-proposals is planned for September 11, 2023 with closing date in early November and an expected full-proposal dead...