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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
dr. Gian Luca Bagnara
Cà Colonna srl

I am looking for a project to join
Cà Colonna is an innovative SME producing organic horticultural crops
Its strategy is to integrate genetic and cultural biodiversity into the supply chain to also provide economic sustainability.
Cà Colonna has developed carbon farming practices. Soil biodiversity is a quality condition to guarantee the capture and long-term storage of carbon. Soil biodiversity therefore has an ecosystem value in situ and ex-situ
Cà Colonna is a pilot farm, supporting research institution as an on-farm-experimentation.
The project aims to evaluate soil biodiversity to build value in agricultural products. In particular, it aims to: apply carbon-farming criteria to evaluate and integrate the function of biodiversity in the soil and improve its conservation; Identification of indicators of biodiversity (microbiome) in the soil; evaluate the economic value of biodiversity in agricultural soil to attribute value to the agri-food chain; adopt a remote soil monitoring system to implement a traced soil quality – agricultural product quality supply chain; and communication and dissemination of the results.
Crop Production
Crop Science
project related to:
- biodiversity of soils
- economic evaluation of biodiversity
- agri-food value-chain
soil biodiversity, economic evaluation, on-farrm-experimentation
biodiversa+; FAO global soil partnership

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