Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Associate Professor Hamish Rennie
New Zealand
Lincoln University
Department of Environmental Management

I am looking for a project to join
The management of commons (e.g., oceans, freshwater, biodiversity), especially multi-layered commons. My specific expertise is in regulatory environmental planning/policy/law that supports nature based solutions, biodiversity and empowering indigenous people, minorities and rural dwellers. I have 40 years practical and research experience at all scales to draw on. My most recent research has been on policy and law to facilitate ecosystem-based coastal and marine management and on options for land that will in future be underwater. This has included international comparative research. My research and practical experience has helped shape coastal policy, aquaculture development and law and led to commissions to assist United Nations’ agencies, regional councils, iwi and community organisations in areas ranging from building resilient tourism to improving the health of lagoonal lakes, riparian area management and identifying and protecting heritage like natural surf breaks. I work in a strongly interdisciplinary department and have been involved developing and implementing two of NZs major collaborative cross disciplinary national search projects over the last ten years (the Resilience Challenge and the Sustainable Seas Challenge).
Political sciences
Spatial planning and urban development
I am looking for a project that needs expertise in regulatory planning and policy related to managing rights and relationships in response to addressing climate change (including sea level rise), biodiversity loss and the maintenance of natural character and processes. I can bring extensive in-depth knowledge of the New Zealand experience in resource management, especially freshwater and marine. Over the last 30 years, NZ has been the experimental ground for divergent theories of environmental management (eg in fisheries, marine protection and coastal and freshwater management) and its experience should prove useful to other countries.
environmental planning, environmental policy, marine spatial planning, marine and coastal management, commons, governance, rural resilience, environmental law, regulation, tourism

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