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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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MSC Ziad Matar
Veridi Technologies BV

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Veridi Technologies is a Hague based company with the objective of measuring soil biodiversity and plant pathogens on a global scale. We do this via our proprietary AI & automated microscopy platform for diagnosing soil microorganisms.

This is a mission of high importance since 95% of food production depends on the soil (which constitutes 25% of biodiversity on earth), and yet 70% of the soil in the EU is degraded.

In fact, the EU has published in July 2023 its Soil Monitoring & Resilience directive, making it binding for all states to measure soil health & biodiversity. In its directive, agreeing with the Dutch Government's assesment, the EU recognised microscopic worms called nematodes as one of the best indicators for soil biodiversity.

A big hurdle for this directive is that when it comes to soil life, measuring it is still very difficult.

Veridi solves this problem by automating the diagnosis of nematodes via its artificial intelligence and automated microscopy platform, making it 45 times more scalable and cutting the costs by half. Since nematodes also destroy 12% of all crops worldwide causing 160 billion euros in losses every year, this technology has the huge potential of monitoring the state of soil health and one of the most damaging plant pathogens in the same test.
We are looking for projects interested in measuring soil biodiversity and/or plant parasitic nematodes
soil biodiversity, biodiversity, soil, nematode, fungi, parasite, biodiversity, diagnosis, diagnostics, laboratory automation
European society of nematologists 2024

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