Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Prof Dr Ahmet Uludag
Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
I am writing in behalf of our group. LEVENT EFİL Prof. Dr. He works at Plant Protection Department OF ÇOMÜ. He has focused on biological control, biopesticides, the side effects of pesticides, and the relationship between pests and their natural enemies. He has completed many projects on insect pests in the context of biological control in orchards, vineyards, cotton fields and tomatoes. Manipulating fields/orchards to increase natural enemies and sustain them is among his works. In the last years, he added pollinator bees, wild bees, predators, and wasps in the context of manipulating orchard flour in cherry and peach orchards. Prof Dr Ahmet ULUDAG, a weed scientist from ÇOMÜ has conducted research on weed biology, ecology, and control as well as allelopathy and invasive alien plants. He has worked as an invasive alien species manager at the EEA. He has served as a panel member in EPPO on invasive alien plant, herbicide resistance, and core panels. He was the leading figure to establish ESENIAS and is currently scientific secretary of it. In addition, he is EWRS scientific committee member. Dr. KHAWAR JABRAN is an associate professor of weed science. His research focuses on the increase of crop yields through improved crop management practices and the management of abiotic and biotic (particularly weeds) stresses. Crops of economic importance and environmentally friendly methods of weed control are the primary focus of his research work.
We can merge with other group(s).
Biology of interactions
Crop Production
Other Biological Sciences
Plant Protection
Currently we have some small local projects relationship companion plants and pollinators. We have only submitted papers recently.
Objectives of Project:
1. Using cover crops/companion crops to improve pollination via increasing biodiversity and the number of pollinators
2. Establishing a weed control system based on cover crops/companion plants
3. Decreasing pesticide and herbicide input
4. Developing an integrated crop management program
Expected Outputs:
1. The most supportive cover crops to pollinators and biodiversity will be determined
2. Innovative insect pest and weed management methods will be developed
3. Indicator pollinators will be determined to monitor the sustainability of horticulture
4. Input of pesticides and herbicides will be reduced
We can join other group(s) have similar ideas.
orchard, fruit, weed control, icm, quality, environment, economics, pesticides, bees, polinators
Not planned yet.

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