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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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DR Sebastien Terrat
Inrae - UMR 1347 Agroecologie

I am looking for a project to join
After a PhD thesis in 2010 at Blaise Pascal University (Clermont II) in Soil Microbial Ecology and post-doctoral position in bioinformatics, I integrated UMR 1347 Agroecologie in 2014, and more particularly the BIOCOM team (Spatial distribution, dynamics and functional significance of the biodiversity of soil microbial communities). The project of the team is structured around three main axes: the first concerns the identification of the processes and filters that determine the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities at different scales (from the soil aggregate to the national territory), the second axis aims to decipher the involvement of microbial diversity in the biological functioning of the soil (C-cycling, primary productivity, soil stability,…) and the third axis represents a more targeted research which aims to develop and provide tools / operational solutions to land users to assess the microbiological quality of the soil; but also to determine how to manage microbial communities to optimize ecosystemic services provided by agricultural soil. I’m mainly involved on the two first research axes.
Expertise in: bioinformatics, soil ecology, data analysis, soil molecular ecology, molecular biology
Molecular Biology
After a PhD thesis in 2010 at Blaise Pascal University (Clermont II) in Soil Microbial Ecology and post-doctoral position in bioinformatics, I integrated UMR 1347 Agroecologie in 2014, and more particularly the BIOCOM team (Spatial distribution, dynamics and functional significance of the biodiversity of soil microbial communities). The project of the team is structured around three main axes: the first concerns the identification of the processes and filters that determine the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities at different scales (from the soil aggregate to the national territory), the second axis aims to decipher the involvement of microbial diversity in the biological functioning of the soil (C-cycling, primary productivity, soil stability,…) and the third axis represents a more targeted research which aims to develop and provide tools / operational solutions to land users to assess the microbiological quality of the soil; but also to determine how to manage microbial communities to optimize ecosystemic services provided by agricultural soil. I’m mainly involved on the two first research axes.
Expertise in: bioinformatics, soil ecology, data analysis, soil molecular ecology, molecular biology
bioinformatics, soil ecology, data analysis, soil molecular ecology, molecular biology
ISMOM 2024

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