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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Lecturer Kusito Gamayida
Hawassa University
Wildlife and Ecotourism Management

I am looking for a project to join
I am studied mt first degree in Ecotourism and cultural heritage management from Hawassa university from 2013 to 2015, with great distinction grade and one of the top scorer of the year and recruit as Graduate Assistant from 2015 and also i studied my masters of degree from Hawassa university in Wildlife management and now served as a researcher and lecturer under the department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management.
I have almost nine years of teaching, mentoring, and research experience.
Conservation Biology
Landscape ecology
The diversity, relative abundance and distribution of wildlife, insects, reptiles and bird species in Borena national park and the main advantages of establishment of the national park towards pastoral community of Borena., southern Ethiopia.
This thematic project will be benefited the pastoral community of Borena to enhance their attitudes towards the park and the resource will community based that every community members will take it as their own resource,
diversity, species richness, abundance, participation, pastoralist, community, distribution, wildlife, insect, birds
The main opportunities that project come up with are; the resource of an area will be sustainably managed and owned by different stakeholders, it also well known for the others to visit and enjoy on area. In generally, when this project is accepted their a great benefit for the park management and also for their promotion, infrastructure and others.

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