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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Engineer Natalia Golovkina
Innovation Multiplier, Lda

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Our strength is innovation.
We are committed to only natural methods of ecosystem restoration (especially in the marine environment).
Marine Biology
Ocean engineering
Our natural method, which uses only sunlight, allows the cultivation of microalgae anywhere and at any depth in the oceans and seas and, as a result, sequesters CO2, produces O2, increases pH, and increases biodiversity. The method is used to restore coral reefs, including artificial agglomerations, and allows the restoration of the aquatic ecosystem.
ecosystem restoration, sea, ocean, co2, climate, biodiversity, microalgae, biosequestration, corals, ocean acidification.

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