Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Doctor Sitotaw Haile Erena
Addis Ababa university
Environmental Planning & Landscape design
+251-9 89644701

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
PhD in Environmental Planning (Mitigating and Adapting to urban and peri-urban flood hazards through flood mapping, vulnerability assessment and landscape based management strategies
Have Strong Enter and Entra-personal Communication Skill
have Sound technical Competence in areas of Specialization
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Husbandry
Crop Production
Crop Science
Dairy Science
Diagnosis (microarray and biosensing devices for early / precise detection of diseases)
Fisheries Science and Technology
Food Biotechnology
Forestry and forest sciences
Livestock Cloning
Livestock Production
Livestock Systems
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Protection
Plant Selection
Selection and breed improvement
Selection using molecular markers
Technologies for biomass production
Technology of genetic engineering (crops and livestock)
Transgenic Agro-pharmacology
Veterinary science
The proposed project will focus on four important activities; community empowerment to protect the environment, reduce the pressure on natural forest by improving the livelihood of the depending society, recycling solid wastes and the rehabilitation of the degraded environment. Thus the local communities will be empowered to protect their environment. The project will rehabilitate the degraded environment through establishment of nursery sites, c, area closures, soil and water conservation and water harvesting structures to encourage the growth of the existing fommunity plantationorest vegetation. The project will also focus on reducing the pressure of the community on the environment through creating alternative energy, providing fuel saving modern stoves and providing income generation activities like; poultry and beekeeping. Therefore, this project will give different trainings about how to protect the environment and its sustainable use and provide technical advice; coordinate technical activities; develop enforcement guidelines and procedures; assess, monitor and evaluate activities that impact the environment; promote and assist environmental information and communication; and seek advancement of local sustainable environmental protection knowledge.
community empowerment, establishment of nursery sites, community plantation
child protection , education

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