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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Prof. Sabrina Lo Brutto
University of Palermo
Dept. of Earth and Marine Sciences (DiSTeM)

I am looking for a project to join
Ph.D. in Animal Biology, is currently a Professor in Zoology. She has been Director of the Museum of Zoology "Doderlein". Research areas of interest are Phylogeography, Population Genetics and Integrated Taxonomy of terrestrial and, mainly, marine animal species. She works mostly on marine Mediterranean species, including invasive alien species. Her recent research focuses on the crustacean amphipods. Member of the Italian Biodiversity Future Center.

Keywords: Mediterranean Sea, Marine Biodiversity, Crustacea Amphipoda

Last relevant publications

1. Costa V et al (2021) Small-scale patches of detritus as habitat for invertebrates within a Zostera noltei meadow. Marine Environmental Research, 171, 105474
2. Mancuso FP et al (2022) The invasive seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis erodes the habitat structure and biodiversity of native algal forests in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 173, 105515
3. Lo Brutto S et al (2022) The morphological diversity within a species can obscure the correct identification. Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 299, 106–114.
4. Di Camillo et al (2022) Characterization of intertidal macrofaunal communities of two sandy beaches under different anthropogenic pressures. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, 1976
5. 6. Mancuso FP et al (2023) Effects of structural complexity on epifaunal assemblages associated with two intertidal Mediterranean seaweeds, Plant Biosystems, 157:4, 812-820
Climate change Impacts on endemic marine habitat in MEDiterranean island Ecosystems: Understanding & Mitigation strategies
climate change, posidonia, tunisia, marine habitat

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