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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
PhD Ítala Marx
University of Minho
Centre of Biological Engineering

I am looking for a project to join
- Academic background in Food Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Food Chemistry, and Biotechnology
- Professional experience in the Food Industry: Senior Process Analyst, Team Leader, Production Supervisor, and Quality Control Assistent.
- Track-record in writing funding/bid proposals and project management in (Horizon2020/Horizon Europe, Innovation Fund)
- PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences with specialty in Nutrition and Food Chemistry
- Postgraduate in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics
- Postdoctoral fellowship on the PreVineGrape project: Development of natural solution based on bioactive compounds extracted from plant by-products and bio residues against grapevine diseases.
- Postdoctoral fellowship on BLUE project: Bioeconomy, People, Sustainability, Health
- 28 scientific contributions published on indexed journals
- Participation in funded projects
- Several comunications in scientific events (invited speaker, keynote speaker)
- EuChemS FCD Young Researcher Award 2023
- Co-supervision of PhD student
- Guest Editor and Reviewer of several journals from Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley and MDPI publishers

- Interests: R&D; Circular economy; Sustainability; Innovation; Valorization of biowastes and by-products from the agri-food industry; Alternative protein; Healthy food; plant bioactive compounds; Food enrichment techniques; Development of solutions for the food industry.
Dairy Science
Food Biotechnology
Public Health and Environmental Health
Research Domains:
Natural Bioactives
Circular Economy
Nutrition & Wellbeing
Formulation Strategies & Nanosolutions
Models & Molecular Mechanisms
circular economy, biowaste, functional food, bioactive compounds, health, natural compounds, phenolic compounds

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