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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Associate professor Anatolie Baciu
Moldova State University
Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology

I am looking for a project to join
Experimental modeling of natural living environments (hypobaric hypoxia and hypercapnia) impact on laboratory animals. In addition, experimental modeling of desynchronization of the circadian sleep-wake and fasting-eating cycles, reward modulating hedonic feeding; polysomnographic study of the wakefulness-sleep cycle; neurological and functional testing; immunohistochemical analysis of the reactivity of the biosynthesis of neurotropic factors.
Keywords: multisensory, adaptation remodelling, plasticity
Environmental Psychology
Human Physiology
Mental Health
Public Health and Environmental Health
I am looking for the project to join which is focused on achieving the goal for creating and maintaining the Human Workforce by optimizing the living and workplace environment/ The first aspect is for interest “Harmonization of the life of the human community with the environment”, reorganization of the urban and rural environment, based on the evolutionary-ecological, ecophysiological, geno- and phenotypic patterns of human adaptation to environmental conditions and sustainable development of ecosystems. The second aspect “Targeted change in the environment as a means of improving individual well-being and public health” includes discovering new opportunities for using environmental factors, everyday work (educational), recreational, tourism and sports activities, environmentally friendly nutrition to form, preserve public health and increase the working capacity of the population. The multimodal combination of various natural environmental factors in the technique of neuromodulation and immunomodulation produces a strong effect on neural plasticity. Aversive environmental stimuli potentially capable of eliciting hazard and disgust in the dopaminergic reward system.
human workforce, adaptation to environmental conditions, multisensory healing environment, environmentally friendly nutrition, neuromodulation, immunomodulation
National Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine & Balneology, Romania, September, 2024

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