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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
PhD Candidate Anıl Poyraz
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Environmental Economics and Sustainability

I am looking for a project to join
I have an education and research background which relates to both engineering and social sciences. I have a varying degree of knowledge about different fields such as hydrology, meteorology, statistical analysis, and topics such as sustainability transition and governance in the EU.

I'm in the last year of PhD and I deal with defining the accelerators of effective nature-based solutions as well as bottlenecks for greater co-benefit delivery. During my PhD, I've also participated in research projects investigating some other sustainability concepts such as circularity and life-cycle assessment.

Keywords: co-benefits, NBS project feature identification, multi-level governance, statistical analysis

Languages: English (fluent), Turkish (native), Portuguese (intermediate), Hungarian (elementary)

My notable publications:

Journal Article
-Green Growth Analysis of Social Development in OECD Countries, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, June 2022, doi: 10.3311/PPso.19995
-Sustainability Framework for Revealing and Analysing the Co-benefits of Nature-based Solutions to Urban Water Challenges (with M Csete), European Journal of Sustainable Development, October 2022, doi: 10.14207/ejsd.2022.v11n4p1

Book Chapter
-Multi-level Governance of Sustainability Transition in the European Union (with M Csete), SDGs in the European Region, Springer, February 2023, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-17461-2_88
Management sciences
Political sciences
Spatial planning and urban development
I'd like to be involved in a project in which I can utilize my knowledge and experience from various fields. I'm eager to expand my knowledge in line with the objectives and needs of the project.
Concerning project topics, I'd be glad to be involved in a project that aims to one or more than one of these:
-exploring how NBS can work in favour of a just transition,
-standardization of NBS implementations for greater benefit delivery
-investigating competence distribution and funding schemes for effective NBS
-examining the role of interdisciplinary cooperation in implementing effective NBS projects
-inquiring about the public perception of NBS implementations and its consequences
effective nbs, co-benefits, co-benefit identification, management, governance, multi-level governance, public perception, interdisciplinary work, multidisciplinary approach, standardization
If you happen to Budapest, we can arrange a catch-up and exchange ideas.

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