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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
PhD Tania Montoto
Canary Islands
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN)

I am looking for a project to join
PLOCAN is a unique scientific and technical infrastructure (ICTS) that aims to promote the development of knowledge and technologies for the responsible and sustainable use of the ocean, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Blue Growth Strategy established by the European Union. PLOCAN specializes in marine technology research and development, as well as conducting tests and trials in the marine environment. Additionally, it offers data services, hosting, marine operations, and training.

One of PLOCAN’s strategic projects is BLUE UPGRADE, which aims to update the PLOCAN platform and observatory. This project will enable PLOCAN to continue to position itself as a benchmark in the sector of unique marine research infrastructures worldwide.

PLOCAN has several projects related to biodiversity. One of them is BiodivClim, which aims to strengthen transnational research at the intersection of biodiversity and climate change. In addition, PLOCAN participates in the JONAS project, which addresses threats to biodiversity caused by underwater noise pollution on sensitive species in the Northeast Atlantic by streamlining ocean noise monitoring and risk management on a transnational basis.
Energy and Fuels
Ocean engineering
Remote Sensing
From PLOCAN we are interested in continuing research on the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems and how to mitigate them.

We are also interested in continuing to work on projects that address marine pollution and its effects on biodiversity.

In addition, PLOCAN could collaborate with other entities to develop projects that promote the conservation of marine species such as cetaceans, in which we have previous experience in the framework of the MARCET and MARCET2 Projects, among others.

On the other hand, one of the areas of knowledge with the greatest development at PLOCAN has to do with marine renewable energies, so any essay that is linked to the contribution of nature-based solutions for transformative change in this area would be of interest to us.
test-site, marine renewable energies, cetaceans, observation, monitorization, essays, materials

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