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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Innovation Researcher Alain DINIS

I am looking for a project to join
Visionary and passionate about digital technologies, I have acquired more than twenty years of experience in managing innovative projects (multimedia, internet, virtual and augmented reality, IoT, robotics, serious gaming). Having been both on the R&D and the startup sides, I had the opportunity to implement many POC, prototypes and products for environmental and biodiversity monitoring.

• Entrepreneurship: Business Development, Strategic Management Consulting, Growth strategies and value creation
• Management: Coordinator of national and European R&D projects (BPI, ANR, FP7, H2020, Interreg...), Patents
• Creative Technologies: Disruptive technological projects (Agile method, Lean management)
• Marketing: Strategic, digital, market research, Business Model, communication
• Design: UI, UX, Design Thinking (digital and industrial products & services)
• Technologies: SaaS platforms, AR, VR, MR, WebGIS, Serious Games, e-learning, mechatronics, IoT, Aquatic Drones (ROV), Videoconferencing, Live Streaming, Telepresence, Remote Operationing
• Computer sciences: MS Office, management, multimedia, CMS, computer graphics, DTP, Photoshop, video editing, sound design
• Industries: Tourism, Travel, Sports, Environment, Blue Economy (Scuba Diving, Underwater Robotics), Construction, Silver Economy (Well-being, Handicap)
Education sciences
Information sciences and communication
Management sciences
Our company is proposing innovative mobile Live streaming solutions for audio-visual monitoring of terrestrial and subaquatic environments. We are looking to join project that could benefit from our technology to share in real-time field explorations through internet.
streaming, real-time, audio, video, live, monitoring, videoconferencing, mooc, environment, biodiversity

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