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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr. Simone Grassini
University of Bergen
Psychosocial Science

I am looking for a project to join
Environmental Psychology
Environmental Neuroscience
Cognitive Pyschology

Grassini, S., Revonsuo, A., Castellotti, S., Petrizzo, I., Benedetti, V., & Koivisto, M. (2019). Processing of natural scenery is associated with lower attentional and cognitive load compared with urban ones. Journal of environmental psychology, 62, 1-11.

Grassini, S. (2022). A systematic review and meta-analysis of nature walk as an intervention for anxiety and depression. Journal of clinical medicine, 11(6), 1731.

Grassini, S., Segurini, G. V., & Koivisto, M. (2022). Watching nature videos promotes physiological restoration: evidence from the modulation of alpha waves in electroencephalography. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 871143.

Koivisto, M., & Grassini, S. (2022). Affective responses to urban but not to natural scenes depend on inter-individual differences in childhood nature exposure. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 82, 101840.

Koivisto, M., & Grassini, S. (2022). Affective responses to urban but not to natural scenes depend on inter-individual differences in childhood nature exposure. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 82, 101840.

Koivisto, M., Jalava, E., Kuusisto, L., Railo, H., & Grassini, S. (2022). Top-down processing and nature connectedness predict psychological and physiological effects of nature. Environment and Behavior, 54(5), 917-945.

Koivisto, M., & Grassini, S. (2022). Mental imagery of nature induces positive psychological effects. Current Psychology, 1-16.
Environmental Psychology
Psychological factors related to perceived biodiversity
psychology, neuroscience, health, physiology, environmental sciences
Environment Studies (IAPS 2024)

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