Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Professor and Head of research l Mohamed TRIGUI
University of Sfax -Tunisia Research Laboratory of Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development (LASED)

I am looking for a project to join
We represent the Research Laboratory of Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development (LASED), Sfax, Tunisia. Presently, we are actively seeking opportunities to collaborate within project consortia looking for a project that is working environmental science, climate change mitigation, Biological control of plants of agricultural importance under biotic and abiotic stress conditions and geographic information system GIS. We are also interested also by the Bio-waste composting, the economic potential of organic waste and circular economy.
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Husbandry
Dairy Science
Diagnosis (microarray and biosensing devices for early / precise detection of diseases)
Fisheries Science and Technology
Food Biotechnology
Forestry and forest sciences
Livestock Cloning
Livestock Production
Livestock Systems
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Protection
Plant Selection
Selection and breed improvement
Selection using molecular markers
Technologies for biomass production
Technology of genetic engineering (crops and livestock)
Transgenic Agro-pharmacology
Veterinary science
environmental science,
climate change mitigation,
Biological control of plants of agricultural importance under biotic and abiotic stress conditions
Geographic information system GIS.
Bio-waste composting,
economic potential of organic waste
circular economy.
Bioressources valorisation
environmental science, climate change mitigation, biological control, biotic and abiotic stress, geographic information system, bio-waste composting, economic potential of organic waste, circular economy, valorization of bioresources, biomolecules

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