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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Researcher RTDb Barbara Canonico
Centro Ricerche Ecologiche e Naturalistiche Sooc. Coop. (Dr. Giovanni Pasini) And University of Urbino (DISB - Dr. Barbara Canonico, DISTUM - Prof. Riccardo Santolini) ;

I am looking for a project to join
Ecological skills: Ecosystem Services (Santolini and Morri, 2021), Land use indicator (Santolini, et al 2015), Functional diversity (Benedetti et al., 2019), Bioindicators (Nannoni et al., 2017)
Diagnostic/Research Skill: tissue disaggregation (Montanari et al., 2020), Mitochondrial dysfunction and endo-lysosomal alteration (Canonico et al., 2016), cell death and apoptosis (Canonico et al., 2021), effects of environmental impacts on hepatopancreatic cells (Manti et al., 2013)
CREN in collaboration with Prof. Riccardo Santolini (an ecologist at the Uniurb) have been involved in the analysis of Ecosystem Services, and the assessment of ecological functionality and vulnerability of landscapes. During the years, CREN has developed strong expertise in the field of environmental monitoring. In recent years, thanks to PhD studies and the supervision of Prof. Santolini, methods for collecting and analyzing terrestrial macroinvertebrates (in particular terrestrial Isopod) have been developed as a tool for monitoring the biodiversity of NBS.
In recent years in the Laboratory of Cytometry of the Uniurb, through the expertise of Dr. B. Canonico and Prof. S. Papa, a new method to diagnose cellular stress in hepatopancreatic cells of terrestrial isopods has been developed. This innovative methodology could be a valuable tool to monitor not only remediation environments and landfills, as we are managing, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented NBSs.
Cellular Biology
Immunology (excluding medical)
Landscape ecology
Public Health and Environmental Health
Environmental monitoring and quality of NBS through the use of terrestrial Isopods as bioindicators, assessment of ecosystem services, and identification of rich/poor areas of ecological functionality.
terrestrial isopods, environmental bioindicators, biological indicators, hepatopancreas, flow cytometry, environmental diagnosis, ecotoxicology, environmental pollution, ecosystem services

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